I must be mad - broody


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hello Ladies,

I hope you are all well. I was in ttc for almost a year before I conceived my little Austin. He was born prematurely by 9 weeks two weeks ago and is still in hospital and doubtful he will come home until his due date of June 5th. Maybe it's something to do ith missing out on my last months of pregnancy or the emptyness of not having him still in me or home yet, but I have been feeling extremely broody to be pregnant again. We do want a close age gap between babies and given how long it took to conceive last time we do plan on starting to try again in about 5 months time but my goodness that is going to feel like a long wait. Let's hope things ease up when he's home. I think I may be stalking this section in the meantime so hello :wave: in advance to anyone who doesn't already know me.

Baby dust to all of you.

Becs xxxx
Hi Becs I was only wondering how you and your gorgeous little boy were the other day. Its great to see familiar faces popping back here but it does make me realise just how long I've been stuck in this bit!!

Huge kisses for Austin and :shock: for you being brave enough even to think about ttc again so soon :hug: :hug:

Jane x
:wave: hi becs
hope your little boy is home soon :hug:
after i had my dd i really missed my bump and being pregnant thats why i only have 11 months between my girls :wink:

good luck ttc in the future :wink:
Becs :hug: hope you get your little boy home soon.

Ive never had a baby but I can already bet that I want another one straight after Ive had my first. I was pregnant for 9 weeks once, and I loved being pregnant so much even for that short time. *sigh*. If you want another baby then go for it! However, you may feel differently once Austin is home with you of course.
reallyoldmum said:
Hi Becs I was only wondering how you and your gorgeous little boy were the other day. Its great to see familiar faces popping back here but it does make me realise just how long I've been stuck in this bit!!

Huge kisses for Austin and :shock: for you being brave enough even to think about ttc again so soon :hug: :hug:

Jane x

I really think it is etiquette to take an empty seat when entering any new section. I hope yours is free soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Babydust - it's great to see your ticker! :hug:

Loola - I'll be keeping my eye out for a bfp in about 10 days time, judging by where you are in your chart :pray: :pray: :pray: :hug:

Oh yes, stalking has comenced!
:) Thanks Becs but unfortunately I dont think it will be me. Just holding a small party to celebrate CD100 here and having been to the GP and paying privately to go to our local fertility clinic I have now been transferred back to the NHS for tests etc - first appointment for tests 21st May but the follow up isnt scheduled till 4th August!!! That will be 11 months from my ectopic...... :(
Oh Jane, that's such a wait! :( You really are going through it! Things have to take a turn in your favour soon, it's gotta be your turn soon! What tests are they running? Or is there a better thread to read up on your latest?

Becs :hug: :hug:
hey becs

Congratulations on the birth of your little boy, hope he's home sooner than you anticipate.

Glad your feeling broody already, I've missed all my old TTC buddies!


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