wots it mean to u


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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hey guys kim sent me her pushchair the thing is i missed it as had to take B to the docs so i today tried to re-arrange it today lol wen i did it came up with this message::
Please note - If you have made these arrangements after 18:30 Monday - Friday and have only received one card relating to this parcel, we will try to deliver to the original address again during the next working day. Should your parcel be returned to the depot after the second attempt, your instructions will then be followed.

wot does it mean to u guys as i am confuzzled
I think it means that they will try and deliver again the next day (probably monday) but if youre not in again then you have to contact them.
Think it means that they will try and re-deliver it again....
but if they miss you next time then they'll follow instructions?!!
It will be next working day they deliver so it'll be Monday?

thanks guys i thought it ment that but im hacving a stupid time lol
It means they will try and deliver it on the next working day, but if your not in then you will have to contact them and go and pick it up from the depot.
they will leave another card with the number to contact them on, and you will have to wait till the end of the day or the next day when the truck is back at the depot. You could probably have picked it up yesterday before midday.

Im guessing this was what your msn message meant? sorry i missed it i was in bed :sleep:

Cas xx
yeah it was lol thanks hun
i would have picked it up yest but i was at work GRRRR
i want my pushchair lol
do you have a little show stand in your garage with them all on? lol

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