

Active Member
Jun 6, 2012
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Hello I am new here and just found out that I am 5 weeks pregnant which I am really pleased about

I don't really feel pregnant yet tho, and I also know quite I few people who have had miscarries so I am really worried about getting to excited in case it all goes wrong.....
That's only natural hon, try to relax :) congratulations!!
Very natural to worry but please try to relax and enjoy being pregnant. Many of us were lucky enough to have no symptoms and go on to have healthy babies so please do not let this be a cause for concern.
Congratualtions :):):)
Thank you for the replies got to wait until Monday for my doctors appointment eek!
Holly I know EXACTLY how you feel, i'm excited but absolutely terrified at the same time! I'm wishing tri 1 away so I can relax a bit, and those 2 remaining tri 1 months seem like FOREVER. I am sure it'll be fine for the both of us.. but thats not going to change the way we worry is it?! :)o

Here if you need to vent! x

I have been like this until very recently when I've finally started to accept what will be will be. It's so hard though isn't it? I remember panicking in case there was any spotting every time I went to the loo even! As some of the others have said try to relax a little the stress is a horrible feeling, if you're being healthy everything should be fine xx
Hi Holly, I'm 12+2 today, I've never had any symptoms other than sore boobs for a couple of days and was petrified there was nothing there, despite 5 positive tests lol yesterday I had my first scan and saw my perfect little baby kicking away. I even said to the sonographer does it have a heartbeat and she looked at me and laughed and said look at it move of course it does! Honestly, try and relax, no symptoms don't mean anything is wrong, in fact I'd say it's lucky not to have them :) keep calm and you'll be just fine (although easy for me to say after panicking for 6 weeks!!!)

I'm really worried I'm going to get to my scan and they'll say, no baby, didn't you know?!!
I'm really worried I'm going to get to my scan and they'll say, no baby, didn't you know?!!

I am absolutely convinced this will happen to me. I feel no excitement, just totally stressed by it all.

I know it sounds bad but Ive almost convinced myself that when this happens at least I can have a bottle of wine and no more stress.

I am miserable and just want tri 1 to be over xx
I was exactly the same - the while way not just tri 1, totally natural hun Xx

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Hello welcome and congrats on your pregnancy, it's really strange isn't it in early pregnancy as you know your expecting but can't really tell yet. Try not to worry to much about mc etc I've had one very successfully perfect pregnancy and one mc now I'm expecting again, it's hard as its always as the back of your mind that it could happen again but you just have to think positive and relax lots :)
Grats hun.
You might be one of the lucky few that have no symptoms in Tri one.
Or in another week or 2 it can hit you like a wall.

Enjoy the no symptoms whilst is lasts ;)
Thanks everyone I'm trying to stay calm lol not sure that its working! Started feeling sick and very grumpy and tired now.......
Hi HollyBerry! I'm five weeks too and feel exactly the same. It just doesn't feel real just now.. but the girls are right. We just need to relax and enjoy every minute xxx

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