

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Phoebe seems to be off her feeds. She keeps crying for a bottle but then sucks on it for an hour and has none of it.
Her last feed was at 8.30 this morning, she finished the full 5oz. She started crying for another feed at 12 (an hour ago) but she's only had half an ounce and gone to sleep.
She did it on her bottle last night too. And struggled to finish most of her bottles throughout the day.
I've tried winding her incase it was wind stopping her and she's already on level 2 teats.
The temperature of the bottle seems fine too.
She seems alright in herself, her cheeks look quite red though but her temp is 36 and she seems really sleepy.
So not really sure whats wrong and what else to try? :/ xx
Could it be growth spurt? Oz used to hardly feed and sleep loads during growth spurts?
Ooh I never thought of that, I just assumed she'd feed more during a growth spurt. I'm just a bit concerned that its been nearly 4 and a half hours now since her last feed, she never goes that long and I don't understand why she's crying for it and then not taking it :( x
Was just thinking it maybe teething too x

Oh gosh I hope it's not teething just yet. She's still suffering with colic, it'll be hell. Do they go off their feeds when teething? x
my LO started teething at 9 weeks (he's just turned 25 weeks) and he went off his feeds big time at first, it would take me up to 2 hours to get him to take half his normal bottle :( I will say he's a lot better now (still teething) he takes his bottle in 2 stages now, half when he first wakes and half before he goes back to sleep...which currently means he's having 4oz ever 2 hours during the day! hope she's ok x
She's had 7oz since 8.30 this morning :( x

Also she's started sucking her fist a lot lately too, is this a sign of teething too? And if she is teething is there anything I can give her at only 8 weeks old? She doesn't seem to be in any pain though x
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Oz used to hardly feed and sleep endlessly during a growth spurt, I used to get so worried at the time! But after 24-48 hours he'd go back to his normal routine and I'd wished I'd made the most of the heavy sleeping lol
Lilyanna has been sucking her fist for ages too.. Bonjela teething gel is ok from 2months I think x
Yes it is lol just put some on lily and read the tube xx
Babies also put their fists/fingers in their mouth as part of development though. It's just exploration xx
Of course.. No harm in giving bonjela a try if she's in pain it will help x
Sophia has been like this too, I thought it was teething as she had red cheeks and had fist in mouth and dribbling, but my LO is 3 months now. Eventually what settled her was gripe water, I think she was havin some griping gas pain, she passed two greeny poos that day and by the evening she was much better. You can give it before of after feeds and it settled her tummy. She was much perkier, I also gave her a dose of calpol just in case it was teething but she's fine now and draining 9oz bottles!!
Sophia has been like this too, I thought it was teething as she had red cheeks and had fist in mouth and dribbling, but my LO is 3 months now. Eventually what settled her was gripe water, I think she was havin some griping gas pain, she passed two greeny poos that day and by the evening she was much better. You can give it before of after feeds and it settled her tummy. She was much perkier, I also gave her a dose of calpol just in case it was teething but she's fine now and draining 9oz bottles!!

I'm already giving her colief in her bottles for colic. Is it okay to use gripe water and colief? Or is best to just use one or the other. She's always struggled to bring up her wind x
I'm also using Colief too, Sophia I just so windy bless her - pharmacist told me it was fine to use. Colief breaks down the lactose in the milk and gripe water soothes baby's tummy and helps get their wind up - the two do entirely different things. I have tried a comfort milk but she didn't get on with the Aptamil one at all. I only needed to use the gripe water for a couple of days and it seemed to sort her out :)
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I'm also using Colief too, Sophia I just so windy bless her - pharmacist told me it was fine to use. Colief breaks down the lactose in the milk and gripe water soothes baby's tummy and helps get their wind up - the two do entirely different things. I have tried a comfort milk but she didn't get on with the Aptamil one at all. I only needed to use the gripe water for a couple of days and it seemed to sort her out :)

Thats great hun thankyou, no harm in giving it a go :) xx

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