

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hi girls,

I am finding i am no more reassured after my scan on Friday after them not finding a heartbeat yet, it is just constantly playing on my mind. I have only got about 2 weeks to wait until I have another scan but just can't help but worry. I did think I ovulated late so I expected to be put back about a week, I would of thought they could see a heartbeat at around 6 weeks? She did say I looked like 5-6 weeks on 4th June, is there still hope I will see a heartbeat?

My hubby was also admitted to hospital on Wednesday with Viral Meningitis so I am running around looking after everyone, doing everything basically trying to be superwoman and working full time whilst doing a training course! I feel as though I am slowly losing it!!!
my friend has just been through the same thing and I think she had put it in her head she had lost the baby as they told her they couldnt see much at all not just the heartbeat she went back two wks later, and there was a tiny baby there with a very strong heartbeat and things are still going well for her so there is still hope and im sure it will be the same for you xxxxxxx
I really hope so! If I am only 5-6 weeks then I got a positive pregnancy test very early!!

My LMP was 14th April, I got a faint positive on 19th May - was worried due it being faint but I suppose that would make sense if I ovulated late. The last time we BD in May was 7th May which must of been when I conceived but I know sometimes it can take a few days to 'conceive' and then there is implantation. My AF should of been due on 14th May - does anyone know if this sounds promising?? If I did ov on 7th then I got positive at 12 dpo, maybe even earlier!

I still very much feel pregnant but I haven't really been getting any sickness, just a few waves of nausea at the most. I have very sore boobs and thats about it!!

edit - meant to add that I have a 31 day cycle
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I had an early scan at 5+1 and there was no heartbeat - still quite early... I had a scan 2 weeks later at 7+1 and there it was!

Hoping these 2 weeks go fast for you and you see a little hb!

SPC xx
I dont understand the whole dating scan wks anyway I only sex once in the month when I fell with this baby and it wasnt near when they said i did, they put me back over a wk but I have just had to go with it be it cant be right.
its still a little too early to see anything yet hun, try not to worry x x x
Laura you sound like you have your handsfull with hubby ill too, and waiting for your next scan, don't forget no one expects you to be super human, take a day at a time.

I am sure it will be fine with the baby, and just to early to see heartbeat when you went last time. You could have ov'd late too , I think I did hence my faint bfps.

Hope hubby gets better really soon X
i had an early scan with bella at around 6 weeks and they couldnt see a heart beat but at 7 1/2 weeks they could x
I just wrote an identical post 2 weeks ago! I went in for early scan after MMC in Feb, by AF date I was 8 weeks but acc to the scan I was between 5 and 6 weeks, couldn't see much so had to wait for 2 weeks! I was so worried and had my 2nd scan last Weds and there was my little cannellini bean with a really strong heartbeat measuring 7.5 weeks!

Funny thing is I know for 6 weeks so was just over 1 week pregnant when I found out and was worried about lack of symptoms, hello I was only a week:) I'm sure everything will be ok and it probably is late ovulation! This will be the longest 12 weeks ever for me:)

best of luck


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