Worried after my first scan showed small CRL


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Hi there,
I went for my first scan last week I should have been 6 weeks 2 days pregnant, but after reading online about CRL lengths for 6 weeks it looks like I am very small. Which is scary. My CRL was 2.2mm and my gestational sac is the right size of 18.5mm
a flicker of a heartbeat was detected. I am really upset that these readings weren't discussed with me at my scan as now I am really stressed about the lenght of my crl and that there was only a flicker of a heartbeat.
can anyone shed some light on this?

Thank you :)
hello and congrats on your pregnacy I am sure if a problem was found they would have told u ! try and relax x
6 weeks 2 days is really early for a scan! Things can change very quickly (and grow). Wish I could shed more light. When is your next scan? Hope all is well. xxx
any reason why u had a scan so early x
My next scan will be next Friday. I had an early scan as I was having dull pains on one side that lasted hours, so they wanted to check it was eptopic. Thank goodness it wasn't! I can't help but worry :(
I know it is difficult to relax, but really try. Great news it wasn't an ectopic!! xxx
maybe you just ovulated late in your cycle? going by my LMP when I had my scan I should have been 7 weeks 5 days. But my scan measured me at 6+6.
But actually that is correct for me, as I ovulate at CD16 in my cycle.

could it just be something as simple as that?? if there is a heartbeat, then everything is fine! dont worry. x
Your baby's heart will literally have only just started beating then

I wouldnt worry about what the internet reckons, the baby is alive & in the right place so all good news at the moment xx
Hi there,
I went for my first scan last week I should have been 6 weeks 2 days pregnant, but after reading online about CRL lengths for 6 weeks it looks like I am very small. Which is scary. My CRL was 2.2mm and my gestational sac is the right size of 18.5mm
a flicker of a heartbeat was detected. I am really upset that these readings weren't discussed with me at my scan as now I am really stressed about the lenght of my crl and that there was only a flicker of a heartbeat.
can anyone shed some light on this?

Thank you :)

I wouldn't worry, each baby's growth rate is different during the first trimester which is one reason why they don't offer early scans on the NHS because the measurements vary so much.

It's a great sign that you saw a HB and hopefully this should settle your mind.

Easier said then done but try and relax and wait for confirmation at your next scan
At 6w2d i had a scan no baby seen only measured 5w i thought the worst at 8w2d i went for another scan and baby was bang on dates, don't worry they never date scans before 8 weeks as its not going to be right as they have a growth spurt where they can triple in size between 6-7 weeks x
Thanks for the replies. I will update after my next scan. bring on next Friday! this is going to be one slow week waiting.

I have my scan on Friday too. Will be here before we know it. x
I have just been to the bathroom and had a tiny spot of blood. Should I call the doctor or is this normal? It was very small amount bright red.


just an update I ended up having another scan today instead of Friday as I had some bright red spotting today. but everything was fine. The baby has grown much bigger from 2.2mm to 6mm in 6 days :) and the heart beat was 140bpm. He dated me back less. i am not 7 weeks I am only 6w3d. I am just praying for the best :)

Should I still go to my ultrasound that was booked for Friday or should I cancel it since I went today. my husband booked a half day to come to the one on Friday. but I don't know if two scans in one week is bad for the baby?

Hi there,
I went for my first scan last week I should have been 6 weeks 2 days pregnant, but after reading online about CRL lengths for 6 weeks it looks like I am very small. Which is scary. My CRL was 2.2mm and my gestational sac is the right size of 18.5mm
a flicker of a heartbeat was detected. I am really upset that these readings weren't discussed with me at my scan as now I am really stressed about the lenght of my crl and that there was only a flicker of a heartbeat.
can anyone shed some light on this?

Thank you :)

I just wanted to pick this thread back up, because I googled and found it!

I had my first scan today at 6+1, but they measured me at 5+1 and the CRL was 2.4mm with the Gest Sac 19.3mm...So very similar to yours and of course I'm super nervous about the sizes being small/too big, and the Sonographer didn't really say anything, other than come back in 2 weeks. They did see a fetal heartbeat though, so that was a little reassuring.
Wow a HB at 5+1 - amazing!! I really wouldn't worry too much about the measurements at this stage (though yours sound good to me!), it's very difficult to measure them accurately and even then they could be curled up and what not. They can also have growth spurts in there too.

Put it this way, at 6+1 my sac diameter was 13.0x15.0x16.0mms CRL was 4.8mm HB was seen.
2 weeks later the sac is 32x21x34mms and CRL is 16.5mm HB was seen and heard.

They grow really quickly!! Try and relax a little, enjoy it :) xx
I am in the same boat too I had an emergency scan today at 6 weeks + 3 because I had bleeding and pain yesterday. They wanted to check I wasn't having an ectopic pregnancy. Everything is normal thank goodness. even saw the hearbeat! The scan measured at 2.4mm which said I was only 5 weeks and 0 days.

But when I think about it and have worked out dates I am 6 weeks + 3 from the first day ofmy last period and 5 weeks from conception. So it all seems right. Just means my due date has now moved from 15th November to the 24th November! It's going tobe a long but exciting wait!

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