worried about weight!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Over the past year I have gained loads of weight, no excusse, just been greedy and eat out for lunch with friends alot (then go home and have evening meal too) I also love to eat a whole tub of phish food ben and jerrys!!!
I concieved straight away with my first two children so when I didnt fall pregnant straight away this time I decided to join 'slimming world'
I just started the diet and fell pregnant, so not managed to loose any weight however I plan to stick to the diet because I am the same weight now as I was 1 week before I delivered my son :shakehead:
So I am worried that if I am this big now and gain my usual 2 -3 stone over the 9 months I am going to be the size of a house :shock: !!!!
I am gutted I let myself gain so much weight as on my other 2 pregnancy's I ve eat what I want, when I want and this time I'll have to be on a diet, nomore ben and jerrys for me :x !!!
im struggling with the urge to eat but im going to ask for a dietician when i go to clinic next i lost 7 st and am still overweight but so scared to gain any back but it soo gona happen and omg ben n jerrys cookie dough lol mmmmmmm
You lost 7 stone!!! thats amazing!! well done you!!xx
I am at least 3- 4 stone overweight so really need to be careful, but I cant get food out of my head lol !! Not sure if anyone is familular with slimming world but I ve just had a bowl full of mixed fresh berrys with 2 syn free (fat free) yogarts poured over it!!! What can I say!! it was not like ice cream!!!
I'm the same. I'm about 2st overweight and was about to start WW again the week I found out I was pregnant. Thing is we got a
wedding in cyprus to go to in may and was really going to go for gold with the weight loss but seems I can't now! Really worried now about how I'm gonna look when we go...can't see me wearing a bikini :(
Just realised that I sound ungrateful but I'm not! I love that I'm pregnant but wish I didn't have to go to this wedding now! If I eat healthy an drink lots of water I'm hoping the cellulite won't look to bad.
Hi girls, 9 months is a long time, as long as you eat healthly and balanced diet for the baby's and your needs, I have heard of loads of ladies who are lighter when just about to have a baby , than they were before they got pregnant!! Good luck with the change of diets
You lost 7 stone!!! thats amazing!! well done you!!xx
Not sure if anyone is familular with slimming world but I ve just had a bowl full of mixed fresh berrys with 2 syn free (fat free) yogarts poured over it!!! What can I say!! it was not like ice cream!!!

I lost a load of weigt with slimming world a couple of years ago. I'm a bit overweight now but not too bad. I too had just started back on the slimming world diet (but without the meetings this time) when I fell pregnant. I've given it up now! But trying to still be at least relatively healthy! :)
im a slimming world target member after i lost 3 and half stone after my other 2 kids im now a size 10 but i cant be good wile pregnant no matter how hard i try i think its about the only thing that you can really enjoy being pregnant when you want a night out or summit. i hate putting on the weight and after every baby i say never again im going 2 be good the next time but then it dosnt happen lol so im guessing after this baby i will have lots of weight 2 lose again i have always done tho 12 wks it took me last time so wasnt bad for 9 months of eatting. im still at class at the min but im only maintaining as im at target but i can see them scales going up soon lol
I wasn't planning on falling pregnant quite as soon as I have, I was hoping to lose a little weight first (I'm about 2st over). I don't want to diet diet but am trying to eat as well as I can and also do some pregnancy DVDs so that any weight I gain is pure pregnancy (if 'I' lose weight / tone up fine but not at the expense of bud). Does that make sense? Ideally my weight gain would be minimal with me losing some weight and the pregnancy gain being normal....? OK, going round in circles, going to stop now :oooo:

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