Worried About Weight Gain & Growth


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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I took Maia to be weiged today and at nearly 16 weeks she weighs 12lb 11oz, so she has put on 5 oz in 2 weeks.

The HV is concerneed because she has dropped from the 75th centile (at birth) down to the 25th for both weight and height, so I suppose she is in proportion. It was like the Spanish inquisition and now I feel like im doing something wrong.

I last took her 2 weeks ago (I tend to go fortnightly) and this is when she first dropped to the 25th centile for her weight and the HV was asking me all sorts. Is she feeding regularly, is she latching properly, any breastfeeding problems, whats my milk supply like. All of which are ok I havent had any major problems with the above. So they told me to feed her every 3 hours and not let her go longer than 4 hours, so with this in mind I have been offering her the boob a bit more often. Anyhow it hasnt made any difference cause she's still only put on the same amount in 2 weeks as she did when I just fed on Maia's demand.

I have plotted her weight on the bf chart and according to that she's well below the average (worse than the bottle fed chart). Im not exactly tall myself at 5ft 3 and neither is hubby and we dont have tall relatives, my Sis is only 5ft and hubby's mum and aunt are as well. My neice is 20 months old and still wearing 9-12 month old clothes.

Should I be worried? Anyone else been through this? Do you think HV will want me to wean Maia early because of her weight gain, she said that someone will call in a couple of weeks to give a chat on weaning? Really dont want to wean her early if I can avoid it.

Hope someone can help put my mind at ease.
At 16 weeks Angel started dropping off the 50th centile and at 20 weeks she hit the 25th. My HV doesn't seem too worried and she was born on the 75th. In a month she puts on about 1lb, thats it. She's still gaining so she's still eating enough. She just has your genes. Nothing to worry about in my opinion.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I think your HV is making you worry unnessesarily TBH.
Breastfed babies are known to be good witht the weight gain in the first few months then it slows down and they gain more slowly.
5ozs in two weeks is fine IMO.
I think the worry would start if she fell off the chart or started to lose weight.

How do you think she is feeding?
Is she satisfied after feeding or wanting more?
charlie84 said:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

How do you think she is feeding?
Is she satisfied after feeding or wanting more?

She seems satisfied, and at the moment generally feeds very well as in no pulling off crying and no fussing on the boob and we have about 3/4 dirty nappies a day maybe more sometimes. She takes 7oz when we give her a bottle of ebm at night and during the day she has between 5-6 oz from the bottle but mainly fed from me.

Thanks girls you made me feel better already, I'll try not to take too much notice of the HV but I dont want to wean her for a good few months.
She sounds as if she is getting enough from you hun if she is satisfied after her feeds.
Keep as you are hun you are doing a great job :)

I wouldnt have thought weaning would be suggested if she is seeming satisfied and has weight gain from just your milk.
Charlie, just ignore her. My DD went from 75th centile at birth to hover between 25th and 9th for most of the first year. She's never been a big baby, always fairly lean like an atypical breastfed baby.

Maia sounds like she's doing brilliantly, please don't listen to this cr*p. I just don't understand why they would try to coerce you into weaning or onto formula when you are so clearly doing a brilliant job! As long as she's gaining/maintaining regularly, then I fail to see what the problem is. Stick to your guns girl, I think you are doing an amazing job!

P.S. Are you sure you've plotted her weight correctly on the breastfed chart? It should show that she is on a better centile than than the formula fed one, not worse?!

Valentine Xxx
Roxy lost nearly 1lb in her first week, which was fine as she was 10lb birth weight but she then obviously struggled to gain this back quickly. As she was my third and I was confident that she was feeding well I resisted the health visitor's efforts to make me give her formula.

She eventually regained her birth weight but by then had dropped from the 95th centile to the 50th. I didn't get her weighed regularly as I didn't feel it was a relevant indication of her health. She rolled at 3 months, sat at 5 months and walked at 9 months and is a happy, lively little girl who is just about to turn 1 on Friday. She has dropped right down to a lower centile (not sure exactly as not had her officially weighed) but is in proportion and I have no concerns about her development.

Roxy was weaned at 6 months, which was the latest out of all my kids. She does not have a huge appetite, choosing to snack rather than have 3 big meals.

It is my belief that I probably cooked her a bit too well and her weight loss in the first few weeks was just her finding her natural centile. Will prob have to lay off the chocolate and cakes in this pregnancy to avoid another monster baby! Don't know if this theory makes sense but I think far too much emphasis is put on what the 'experts' say and we all know that they change their minds every few years anyway.

Trust your instincts and you will know when she is ready for weaning!
a gain is a gain. as the others have said. you shouldnt worry as long as she is gaining. xx
Emms has always been on the lower part of the scale, she is only 12lb 5 oz now.

I wouldnt worry if bab is gaining weight and there is not anything obviously different about feeding. As long as bab is alert and doesnt seem ill etc. :hug: :hug:
It sounds like your doing a brillant job :clap: As long as shes alert and well and feedings going well i wouldn't be worried. A gain is a gain. Coopers on the 50th centile on the normal chart but when mapped on BF he's def below that which did surprise me. You know your baby don't be pushed into something you don't want to do, weaning, if you feel she doesn't need it :hug: xx
You know your lo better than anyone, if you think she is feeding well then weight isnt alsways an issue, as other people have said a gain is a gain and your baby will find their own natural line, they dont have to follow the ones in book for definate.
As the others have said. I wouldn't worry as long as she's not losing weight and has plenty of dirty/wet nappies (can't remember guidelines sorry, but my LO who is only a week or so older than yours has about 7 a day - wet ones are most important. And BTW she's only just hit 12lbs - like you and your OH we're both small too). Sounds like you're doing great :hug: . Does the worry ever go away??? :wall: Yeah, I'm guessing not.
I have been through the exact same thing :D apart from my dd nearly dropped of the chart because she was small at birth. As others have said its quite normal for them to slow down so it sounds like your doing great to me.
it sounds to me like your doing a great job. both of mine hover between the 2nd and 9th centile and we always get comments from mw. both of mine eat very well. grace was checked out and it was decided that she was just going to be small (her dad and myself are small) everyone can see mine are fit and well but i think mw are a bit obsessed with weight. if your happy LO is healthy and happy i wouldnt worry about it :D
I wouldn't worry about it either

Finlay has never been on any of the bloody lines - only last week he reached just under the 9th percentile (21 weeks weighing 13lb 14). I get it in the neck every time I go to get him weighed :( I had to switch to bottles after a crash I was in but I stuck with the breastfeeding for 2 months before I did this.

U know yourself if your LO is getting enough.

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