worried about lukes development at 14months


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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a week before lukes 1st birthday he took his first steps between me and his daddy, now another 2months plus down the line he still will only walk between me and OH or between 2 people. he can not pull himself up to standing position and he can notsit up from a lying position, he does not cruise when i prop him up against a chair, he will stand there and just cry and cry can occassionally distract him with a toy to play with, but he is so unsteady and will easily fall over.

if OH lets him go in a walking position and i keep walking back he will walk for a long time but if he does fall he falls flat on his face, not gracefully on his bum.

he is being investigated for glue ear although i'm really not concerned about his hearing. this isn't right is it? any ideas gratefully recieved. my next step is seeing the health visitor.
Hey you! :hug: :hug:

Tom's similar. It took him a while from his first steps to walking alone. Now he is walking unaided but he can't pull himself up from sitting and doesn't sit up from lying down either.

I would suggest practice the walking between the two of you as much as poss and move further and further away to build his confidence.

If you're worried, give your HV a call. I just think Tom's a bit lazy and he will learn in time. Some babies don't walk until 18 months or so.

L xx

PS: Tom does the falling flat on his face thing too. He was covered in bruises for the first few weeks of walking. Now I've got some reins and they're brilliant for whipping him up when he takes a trip. x
I'm not sure about this but I think hearing problems can affect your balance, so maybe the glue ear thing is related?
I'm sure he will get there in the end :hug:
Hey :wave:

So sorry to hear that you're worrying :hug: :hug:

I don't think you have much to worry about, I think boys do tend to develop a little slower than girls & each baby goes at their own pace. You say for instance, Luke was walking between the 2 of you at 12 months, at 12 months, Sam can crawl & sit up but can't walk :) I think it's all in the individual baby.

Our friends have a litle girl who was one the beginning of March & she is the same as Luke, she walks but can't sit without help & can't crawl.

It will come, just at his own pace :hug: :hug: :hug:
jaydes one and cant crawl or pull herself up she cant walk or cruise all babys are different :hug: :hug:
my oldest boy was exactly the same hun he took his first steps at 11 months and fell but then refused to walk or do anything after that the HV was worried about him and said he was slow to develop then all of a sudden at 18 months he got up and started doing it and never looked back at the time we were worried sick but he soon caught up and has been fine ever since try not to worry hun i think they put a lot of pressure on babies to do things in a certain time frame and then are too quick to label them as slow when they dont do things on time im sure he will soon catch up :hug: xxxxxxxxx
thanks for the reassurance :hug:

i know all this really just its so frustrating for both him and us! he will get there i know.

love lisa x
I agree with everyone else hun - I think ll babies are different and its a confidence thing!

Re the glue ear thing, I thik it can affect balance as I know im an adult but I have bad catharr (sp?) right now and keep going dizzy and nearly falling over and Im an adult with lots of walking practice lol
My 3rd did'nt start walking propley till he was nearly 16 months. as some of the others have said all babies are different
Hiya, my son had lots of problems as a lil one and people used to say to me hed just lazy or he will do it when hes older. But he didnt, he was a late developer for a good reason.

He started being seen by the time he was almost 3 by the baby doctor and being cleared for glue ear he was found to have Autistic Spectrum disorder.

Im not saying your little one has, but get him checked - if he has a problem its so much better if its diagnosed as early as possible.

It will take a weight off your mind.

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