Walking Question ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Hey ladies and Happy New Year to you all. Hope you had a lovely Christmas :D

So since mid dec LO has been taking steps and walking unaided. He cannot walk round for long at the moment but I would say he takes 10-12 steps when he does most times.


My main question is when will or should he be able to stand from sitting position with out using something to aid his standing?

He currently will pull himself up on furniture, people, toys or anything he is able to, then walk then sit and crawl to the next item to get up. He has been doing this around a month now.

He does walk along on his knees (if you get what I mean) but will not get from sitting position to standing without some means of an aid.

Just wondering when it should or will happen lol
my lo would do this but when i wasnt watching (or thought i wasnt) he would do it himself!! i think he was lazy and suddenly it just clicked and he now stands whereever he wants!! my friends lo didnt crawl or walk for ages but she could stand up on the spot and sit down again!!
Isla took her first steps bang on 13 months (27/11/2011) then built up her walking, she pulled herself to a stand unaided only 2 weeks ago. She started of in a mogali style downward dog pose (lol) and now walks around the house without purpose, if you notice he will be walking somewhere, Isla did that but now just gets up and goes.

Emma x
I guess he will just do it one day then I just found it funny and got a little concerned as all his play mates and people I know of with children said that stood from sitting before walking ... but hearing from you ladies has made me think it must be another one of those (no child does things in the same pattern) things. :D
Tegan took first steps at 11 months, started walking everywhere at about 13 months but only discovered how to get up from the floor about 2 weeks ago (she's 14months) x
I think charley's done it backwards! Lol! He's been standing from sitting on floor for afew weeks so prob since 13 months but has only been taking more steps today at 14 months!

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