worried about epidurals

Babylicious said:
Kimbo said:
thanks everyone for ur replies..

thing is im worried about the needle slipping and leaving me paralysed!
i'd love for me to beg at the end and then they tell me it's too late, because then i know i'd have no choice but to carry on without.

so all you who are pregnant again / who already have kids.... you would have one straight away if you were to give birth again?

my needle slipped and 'm not paralysed - mind you it didn't slip far. Epi's are good espesh is baby is in bad position, do you know what position Leah is lying in?

yeah she's head down but sideways.. so shes facing towards my side like this..


thats not good is it??
she will more than likely turn, don't rule and epi out though, they are really good :)
Kimbo said:
thanks everyone for ur replies..

thing is im worried about the needle slipping and leaving me paralysed!
i'd love for me to beg at the end and then they tell me it's too late, because then i know i'd have no choice but to carry on without.

so all you who are pregnant again / who already have kids.... you would have one straight away if you were to give birth again?

I'd never opt for one no, when I had mine administered with Isaac, he was high and tilted and I'd been in labour for days, I was having constant contractions and could not keep still, or get comfy, but this was after the induction, it wasn't very nice, and my back was black and blue afterwards, epidurals are much more advisable when you are not further into labour and can keep still for them. They are very trained professionals who administer it, don't be too concerned, as with ANYTHING, there's always a risk, but if you feel you need it you need it.

I do not want one this time, but I said that last time, as long as I don't get induced I will be staying home so no epidurals can be given :D I think its appaling you have to decide before you're in labour, can you not change hospitals? If not, I would say yes now, but refuse it on the day until a point arrises where you do need it, you cannot say now if you will want one, thats ridiculous :shock:

Very best wishes, how exciting to be so close hehe Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
I didn't want one, and lasted all the way to full dilation on G&A and diamorphine injection. However, when it came to the pushing stage, my LO just wouldn't come out, and after an hour of pushing, the Dr had to intervene and advise me the next steps were suction cap, forceps and possibly C-section - so I had to have a combined epidural/spinal block. I must admit, as soon as the anaesthetic got working, it was a huge relief. So if I have another kid, I would definitely opt for an epidural.
I had a back to back labour and wanted an epidural but it was too late, he was trying to put needle in when i said i think i need to push. Im not planning on one this time though as i know i can do it without now. although i had a very quick labour. at least if you say you want one its there if you need it. Remember its not a competition like i have found some people think, if you need it have it. Hope all goes well
We all have different pain thresholds..

i was induced (its like rocket fuel) with my first and would have loved to have an epidural, or killed but didn't get one as he shot out no pushing needed.

My other 3 have all been born at home and because i was not induced it didn't hurt nearly as much i used G&A only at the end......they all weighed in at 9lb give or take an once....

Its your attitude too eh ...having confidence to birth like all the millions before you...we are made to give birth and i am a real advocate in the power of positive thinking.....

Say you want one to be safe but refuse it if you feel you are coping... :?
Hope that helps
Babies notoriously get into postion when labour starts..... my last one was almost tranverse (was breech to days before birth.) But moved into a sensible postion in early labour. Sleep on your left side can help you get the babe into optimum postion[/quote]
Hi Kim, my sister is an anesthetist and gives epidurals every day, she has never had any one with severe complications and neither have her colleagues - the risk of paralysis is not from the epidural it is from someone putting the wrong drug in which is extremely rare and very very unlikely - you cant get paralyzed from just the needle - I think it is impossible to plan for something you have no experience of and would suggest you don't out rule it, some hospitals let you have a mobile epidural and you can walk about - also they titre them now so they turn them down for the birth so you have more sensation and you instincts can guide you.
I personally didn't want one - I had paracetamols and gas and air, but my next choice would have been pethidine (which I really didn't want either..). I wanted my water birth so couldn't have had the others unless I was on a bed anyway but the things I thought about epidurals was, I wanted to be mobile afterwards, I wanted to be able to feel the pushing and contractions and not have to have an assisted delivery with a ventoose, and I didn't like the idea of a needle in my back.

H_C by the sounds of it wasn't having a particularly easy labour and was being induced, a few girls on here were similar (evemarie, amzhunny and carly spring to mind), but then kylie, me and clairescunny all had pretty quick labours. So you never know which way it will go. x
Kimbo said:
Babylicious said:
Kimbo said:
thanks everyone for ur replies..

thing is im worried about the needle slipping and leaving me paralysed!
i'd love for me to beg at the end and then they tell me it's too late, because then i know i'd have no choice but to carry on without.

so all you who are pregnant again / who already have kids.... you would have one straight away if you were to give birth again?

my needle slipped and 'm not paralysed - mind you it didn't slip far. Epi's are good espesh is baby is in bad position, do you know what position Leah is lying in?

yeah she's head down but sideways.. so shes facing towards my side like this..


thats not good is it??

I was induced and had very intense and painful contractions. I had gas and air but by the time it got bad enough for me to want pethidine it was too late which was horrid but I knew I had to get on with it lol. It was painful but not so bad that I felt I couldn't cope. Mind you, I had a very fast labour and only pushed for 5 minutes so I may have felt differently if it went on for hours! :)
Next time I fancy a home birth so obviously no epidural but if I do end up in hospital with a long labour then I wouldn't rule out the possibility.
I would go with what everyone else has said and say you want it and see how you feel on the day - you won't know how you feel until you are in the middle of it! :)
I know of 2 ladies who have had complications with Epi's - both pretty serious - I won't give you the details cos I don't want to scaremonger. For the vast majority of women there isn't any complication and so I try not to let the risks worry me.

For me, I feel I would prefer not to have one, mainly as I don't like the thought of the needle in my back and also not being able to be mobile. I hadn't realised until my antenatal class that if you have an epi you have to be hooked up to various monitors as well as having a cathater (sp).

However, I have suffered serious pain before with gallstones and at the time wouldn't have cared if they'd have put a needle in my eye...the pain was agonising and I would have (and did) take any pain relief offered.
I had to have one to lower my BP....ended up with a section so just as well really.

Had a numb ass cheek for months and months though.
sunnyday said:
For me, I feel I would prefer not to have one, mainly as I don't like the thought of the needle in my back and also not being able to be mobile.
I hadn't realised until my antenatal class that if you have an epi you have to be hooked up to various monitors as well as having a cathater

I didnt have various other things hooked up or a cathater when i had an ep.
iwould recomend epidural...i had gas and air...pethridine.... andto be honest.. gas and airrealy hurt my throat and made me throw up... the pethridine...made mefeel really drunk and i felt i had no controlover anything... the epidural was great...i could still sense what was happening but with no pain... theonly pain i gotwas just a little discomfort...
With Nathan I never wanted an epidural through my pregnancy but when I was actually in labour I was begging for it lol but she told me I couldn't have it because it was too late (I'd got to 8cm without anything) so just had gas and air but now im glad I couldn't have one in the end.

This time I definately don't want one, I just want gas and air again :)
i am pregnant for the second time and had an epidural first time which only worked on one side and so was still in a lot of paid so they took it out and re-sited it and then it worked wonders. I was actually able to have a conversation and relax more.

I would definitley have another epidural and would probably ask for one earlier this time. i think that each persons paid threshold is different and sometimes mind over matter works fabulously. i think i would tell the midwife you will have an epidural and see how you feel at the time. I'm surprised she asked as she should know that you cannot plan how you are going to feel at the time.

Good luck
Kimbo, the risk of ANYTHING going wrong with an epidural is apparently 1 in 200, ranging from the very minimal to serious. That's 0.5%, very low.

I know this because a teaching friend of mine was in labour for 3 days and had a failed epidural TWICE during that time :shock: she then leaked spinal fluid for a bit and got migraines for the first few days of her son's life, but she's absolutely fine now. She was given the 1 in 200 figure.

I do however know many many women who've had epidurals with no problems at all and rate it as THE BEST THING EVER.

I will be keeping an open mind I think and seeing how bad the pain is - it's really bad that you have to decide so early!
Kimbo said:
thanks everyone for ur replies..

thing is im worried about the needle slipping and leaving me paralysed!
i'd love for me to beg at the end and then they tell me it's too late, because then i know i'd have no choice but to carry on without.

so all you who are pregnant again / who already have kids.... you would have one straight away if you were to give birth again?

This is exactly what happened with me... I got to 5cm dilated and didnt feel a single thing... infact the midwife let me go home!! When I did go back in..I dunno at what stage exactly I was at but I was screaming for an epidural and they wouldnt give me one... but looking at it now, im so glad that I didnt have the epidural... however I did have pethidine about 30 mins before I had him and it didnt do a thing for me!

So when I do it all again..I think Id try to go again without the epidural and just do it again on gas and air!

Everyone is different..I would try not to think about it to much ..and just to enjoy your experience..it is hard and its painful.. but its well worth it! Your thinking about things to much! Your midwife is being unfair by making you decide now whether you're gonna have an epidural or not... you dont know until the time comes!

Anyway after the long post...Good Luck!! :hug: (even if ya do think im minging!)
Hi hun

I was sooooo scared of having an epi by the time i was 9 and a hlaf cm with Kiara and having to have a section i had to have one but i dont really remember it and with Kadyn i was so scaredi felt sick but it honestly wasnt as bad as i thought it would be and i went for an elective section so i was well aware of everything!!
Good luck with your decision if it wasnt for my sections i wouoldnt of had it gas and air on the other hand i loved :D

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