Question about epidurals

It took away the intense pain I was experiencing with DS but he ws a back to back labour.
But it did leave me with no feeling in my legs, it wore off after a while and made my labour longer. And afterwards I had back pain for many months which some people associate with epidurals.

It is different for all though.
I'd say keep an open mind and if you want an epidural then you will ask for one when you need one! I was terrified of giving birth, i even had to have gas and air before I'd let the midwife give me and internal, but once labour starts really kicking in you go into a different mode. It must be a survival instinct? I was determined and focused but also in pain so when I felt I couldn't take any more I asked for my epidural. They wanted me to wait because I was only a few cm's dilated but I insisted and they let me have it slightly early. It was hard keeping still while they do it but I only had 2 contractions and it was done. Knowing that it is going to take the pain away is enough to make you sit still and take it. Its true what people say, they could stick it in your eye and you would let them because when the pain of labour is that intense you would do anything to relieve it.

Don't be fightened by the thought of any of it. Count yourself lucky! In some countries women give birth with absolutely no pain relief atall so at least we are in a position to be able to choose our perfered method of pain relief and having the option of an epidural to completely block the pain is totally amazing! I wouldn't hesitate to have another epidural, I loved giving birth and the pain and discomfort we have to go through is such an individual thing which can be affected by so many different things you just have to have faith in your own strength and honestly you will be fine.

Lou :D

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