Worried 1st time user...


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Feb 5, 2009
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Ok, first of all, hey - im a first time user and dont normally use forums, but im so sick of not having anyone to ask!

Im 7 months Pregnant (due 21st April this year) with my first - i had hyperemsis during early stages and ended up in hospital... i have since gotten a little better, started putting on weight and the midwife says im a normal size for the gestetation... my only problem is - im still being sick up for 5/6times a week!

Is this normal so late in pregnancy??

I dont really have anyone i can talk to as have just moved to a new area and my other half brushes it off saying ill be ok cause the midwife says im ok... but you know how it is as a first time mum - im concerned!

Also getting really ad period style pains in my lower tummy and although the "websites" say this is normal, i just wanted to know if anyone else had or does experiance this??

Hope someone can help ease my worries.

Thanks. xx
Hi. I've had three children, with my first I was sick up to about 20 weeks, and then it started again towards the end (about 37 weeks), with my other two i also had hyperremesis and ended up in hospital in the early stages, and it continued right the way through. Its awful but i dont think its a sign of anything being wrong. Apparently its a good sign cos all those pesky hormones are doing what they should be!

If the sickness suddenly gets worse or you have a terrible headache then it might be worth seeking more advice.

Good luck, hope it settles down soon :hug:
hey welcome to the forum and congrats on yr preganncy.

I cant really give u any advice other then I had quite bad morning sickness in 1st and abit in 2nd tri. I eased off and now still comes and goes when it feels like it so its totally normal to feel like that.

You have found a great place to chat to people who are feeling the same way as you, I dont know what I would do without this place it keeps me sane!! xx
hello! :wave:
i am further on then you but also get the cramping pains you are describing,ive had them now for about 3 weeks or so,my midwife said its all normal stuff! :doh:
my sickness has come back initially i had it til about 18 weeks but the last 2 everything makes me retch again! :puke:
welcome to the forum! its a great place to be! :hug: :cheer:

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