Working Shifts


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
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Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat? Hubby works Monday - Friday 9-5 but I do a mixture of shifts. Some weeks he is coming in from work just as I am leaving. It's so frustrating when it comes round to ovulation and there is next to no chance of any Bd ing!! Hubby is of the attitude of letting nature take its course but it ain't going to happen if we are not having sex at the right times! X
Hey, I understand your frustration, my fiancee is a lucky 9-5 man but I work on a week to week shift rota doing 24 hr shifts with sleepovers...its rubbish around ovulation as your out all day and all night so no chance of getting a quickie in. Its really rubbish...but as the sperm can last a few days just bd the closest day possible to ov and hope for the best.xx
Oh I know wot u mean! I work 2 shifts a week til midnite, u can bet ur bottom dollar that ovulatiuon always occurs around the time I working then and hubby fasrt asleep wen I get home!!! Why does work always have to spoil everything! Pah!!:mad:
Totally get what you mean i am a mental health nurse so I work a mix of days and nights and my shifts are 12hr so sometimes am just to sleepy for the dance (lol) xx
It's just so frustrating! Pretty sure I'm due to ovulate on Sunday, start back work on Friday. Will just have to have sexy time on Friday afternoon and hope for the best!
We both work shifts and I always seemed to ov when he was on nights and I was on lates meaning only time we were able to bd was wen he came in at 8am. It took few months but it worked lol
Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat? Hubby works Monday - Friday 9-5 but I do a mixture of shifts. Some weeks he is coming in from work just as I am leaving. It's so frustrating when it comes round to ovulation and there is next to no chance of any Bd ing!! Hubby is of the attitude of letting nature take its course but it ain't going to happen if we are not having sex at the right times! X

Hey. Were in the same boat but the other way around. I work 9 - 5 and OH works shifts. When i leave for work at 8.30 OH is still sleeping or just about up and when I get in from work OH is out and doesn't get home until 10 and by then i'm in bed usually asleep if i'm really tired and in quite a bit of pain.

It is frustrating!! But when we get that time together we appreciate it that little bit more.

Tmi but managed to have a quickie this am before hubby left for work so fingers crossed! X
Well - me and DH are together 24/7 and still can't see a tme to BD.....I get up at 6.20am ready for first arrivals of children at 7.30am and school run at 8.20am - DH usually gets up when I get home from school run. Last kids leave at around 5.30/6 - DD bed at 6/6.30pm, DS bed at 7.30/8pm,Then I go to bed at around 10pm as I am tired after long work day and being up early, DH comes to bed at around 12-1am..... ok so you probably see loads of opportunity for BD right - between DS going to bed and me going to bed? well DH is on meds which give side effect which stop him from being able to DTD a lot of the time - early evening is not the best time - cannot do middle of the day as we are surrounded by little ones, lol. And he says early moring is best- I already get up at 6.20am and would have to set an alarm to wake me up at 5am to DTD (which I would be way to sleepy for, as I don't wake up properly until I've had my shower etc) and then I would be getting straight out of bed and showering - not good for conceiving!

Weekends aren't much better as my DD still wants me up at 6.20 and it's not very relaxin DTD when your daughter is talking to you through the bedroom wall, lol.

arrrrrrg! still waiting to ov from coming off bcp so we shall see :(
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My husband work mon-Fri 9-5, I am a nurse and often work 14 hour shifts and nightduty, I am so tired after work and often the nights when I'm ovulating he or I are exhausted,
Hey love,

I would suggest maybe sitting down and talking to your partner about how your going to do it? I know your tired, or hes tired, its hard you dont want to force yourself but at the same time I agree with you lol woman to woman.

Like the girls say, sperm live a couple of days anyway and if you have good CM this is better!

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