Work Rant grrrrr


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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So upset with work just now, any radiographers your advice would be appreciated! I am a radiology nurse and part of my role is to scrub for procedures, this involves wearing a lead coat that weighs a tonne and can be on my feet for hours scrubbed. Since announcing my pregnancy I havn't really scrubbed but recently as the other nurse i work with has bad back problems and i am tri 2 i have scrubbed a few times.

This week the nurse i work with is away on hols and then leaves for a new job next week, i scrubbed for a procedure and basically was on my feet in a lead coat for 3 hours no break, no seat no toilet nothing from 9 till half 2 (3 hours in lead). I was so angry i phoned my union and typed of a big email to the bosses. They have no intentions of replacing my colleague leaving me the only nurse and i will be expected to scrub for every procedure, this is not on. Anyway i got a reply today saying the are considering moving me to a more appropriate clinical role. Why should i move department, there are plenty other thigs that i can and am happy to do i just need a nurse who can scrub and i can do the monitoring etc. I feel i am being punished for sticking up for myself and pointing out that they are not even attempting to stcik to the risk assessment that was put in place. What do i do?

Sorry about the long rant but need to vent! On the plus side i am now on annual leave for 2 weeks and off to Spain on sunday for 2 weeks so by the time i come back who knows where i will be working.
Have u had a risk assessment? They should atleast provide a chair for u! Do u work with sources? Maybe worth talking to medical physics about an alternative to lead coat!
Yeah they did a risk assessment but basically it's being totally ignored, the place is so short staffed and the pressure to get the job done is unbearable. I can sit down when i am monitoring the patients, during procedures but when scrubbed i'm sterile and have to hold wires, balloons etc it's not possible, basically i told them i'm not scrubbing anymore and they will need to find someone else to do it. Not being a radiographer what are sources and what alternatives are there to a lead coat other than standing behind the lead screen?
It is like the radioactive part. I dot know If there are alternatives but medial physics will be able to tell u x
Thanks MrsMc, i work up close to the tube if that makes sense when scrubbed. i have no issue with wearing the lead coat if i can sit down every now and again, but due to staffing this is impossible and when scrubbed i dont have a seat. i have only been there a year so it's all new to me, i really like my job and dont want to be moved when i feel that on the most part i can do the job safely if i get another nurse to help me.
I'd ask physics to do some measurements as to what dose u would get to tum without leadcoat etc get them to look into different alternatives

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