Work issues!


Dec 29, 2008
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Hello all. I'm new to Tri 2 so just introducing myself! :D
I do have my first main question to ask people, and it's regarding work! :evil:

Can I ask when people started to tell their work colleagues? I've confided in only one person at work so far as I'm quite nervous about telling them all. I'm going to have to keep missing work for blood tests etc and my boss is getting a bit funny about me taking this time off during work hours. It's made me quite worried to be honest. Sorry if this sounds silly but it's bugging me! :?
I told them about a week before my first scan (i thought i was 11 weeks but was actually 15 :lol: ) I had to tell them because they were starting to suspect anyway because i kept running to the toilet to be sick. If you have to take alot of time off i would tell them now hun, your past what people consider the safe mark of 12 weeks but of course its totally up to you. Good Luck! :hug:
Thanks! You're quite right! I only had my first scan on Tuesday (amazing experience!! :D ) so I'm still getting to grips with everything really. I think the fact I'm a danger to the 'office treat area' may be giving me away sometime soon......
I told my boss at 9 weeks because they were making my job harder with new lifting duties!! :) they were ok about it although i didnt feel ready to tell them but they needed to know for health reasons. It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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