Work is hard!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hows everyone coping at work?

I felt absolutly AWFUL today I thought at one point while sat down I was going to faint its really odd feeling so naseus also harder cause i have to act ike im fine.

Ahhh hoopefully its a good sign better its there then not right?

I'm dreading work. I'm on nights friday saturday sunday and it's gonna be hell not drinking coffee!!

I'm really tired and keep feeling nauseous too.
yes I agree work is hell!!! Have had to say I have a virus as I keep throwing up :puke: :puke: !!! I cant wait to let the cat out of the bag as I am sure they thing I have become a moody hypochondriac. I cant really muster any excitement for what I am doing which must seem starnge as I am usually on the ball. Keep sitting around day dreaming or logging on here. Which is exactly what I am doing now :rotfl: :rotfl:
It's really hard work isn't it. I'm unbelievably tired all day, I can't concentrate or gt motivated and keep getting waves of nausea.

I can't wait until I can at the very least tell people at work so they'll know why I'm like this!
Work is an absolute nightmare, I am really finding it hard. My boss knows about me being pg but hasn't once asked me how I am :shock: she won't be my boss as from the end of the month though!!

I am getting away with it at present because i have my own office and front counter that i work from and during the day when people are around i feel fine, i dont start feeling tired until 2pm onwards and if i work an early shift i leave at 315 so can go home and slouch.

I am struggling on the 2-10 shift as by about 7 i am ready for my bed but luckily there arent that many staff on in the evenings so i can pretty much relax and i put jazz channel on the radio and just wait for customers to come in

I have had afew people looking at my bloated belly area as because i have to wear a police uniform (civilian) there is no way to hide it and i dont think i am going to be wearing the uniform much longer

I have decided to cram myself in it until my scan at 8 weeks and then i may have to let the cat out of the bag as there are certain areas i cannot go in like the custody suite do due CS gas possibly being present and people will soon realise i have been avoiding the place!
i'm hating it, off work at the mo with this water infection, have not told them yet as i'm having a large meeting tomorrow re a pay review so i didnt want them to know, going to tell them at the end of the meeting.

Mainly as i work in a very small charity and everyone apart from the 2 bosses know, i want to ensure that i'm not put at risk and am going to get them to do a health and safety rish assesment (which all of you are entitled to ladies ) and also they cannot record pregnancy related illness on your sick record, so it takes the pressure off a bit.

Dont think they will be very happy tbh, was actually told by my boss some time ago, (when she evesdropped on a conversation i was having re TTC with a workmate) that it would be best if i started trying in 2 years time :shock: FFS!

the main thing for me is the emotional side of things, i deal with a lot of stuff to do with suicide, self harm and serious metal health problems which at the best of times is distressing, at the moment fucking adverts make me cry!
I have this same problem with my job, it is or can be a very confrontational place and although i enjoy it i can find myself thinking since being pregnant, i reaally shouldnt be getting too wound up here, i am sure a rise in blood pressure is not good for bean on a daily basis!

Police officers who used to be allowed to do my job when pregnant have been told it is too confrontational so what are they going to do with me lol! :shock:

i personally feel i can continue doing what i do but will just try and take a back seat and not argue back as much which is hard when you are laying down the law to someone!
My jobs quite stressful too as have to deal with lots of complaints and irate tenants. I try to just take a step back and not take everything so personally but its hard. I've just had a week off and have come back to lots of disasters. Wish I could win the lottery and be a lady what lunches! I had to tell my colleague as there are certain things I can't do anymore and theres only two of us in the office. Luckily (touching wood now!) I haven't really had any bad symptoms- no sickness as yet, just smells and tiredness.
:hug: Great that you're feeling rubbish Sharne (this is the only time in life we can congratulate each other on feeling like sh*t!)...but yeah, work is a's a little better now my boss knows though, I don't feel guilty leaving on time....the commute kills me more than the actual work!
mandspice, thats really made me smile. When I think of the alternative to feeling this crap, I think morning sickness, exhustion, sore boobs, weeping bringing it on!!!!!! Your post really made me have a flush of gratitude!!!! :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm very lucky in that I don't go out to work, but I still have to keep busy with Isaac, and its not always very enthusiastic play when you feel like throwing up I know heehee
Very best wishes ladies, hope the ill feelings pass for us all soon :hug:
I feel the same way....everyday I feel this crappy, is another day little bean is hanging in there...

I am finding work hard too, I also do nights, back in tonight and had to get out my bed early today for my MW appointment. I will be tired tonight!
Thanks for the replies nice to know we all feel pretty shite paha!

I do think that too that although i feel like a bag of shit tied in the middle at least I know the hormones are increasing when they should and everything is fine and dandy...

Eating porrige first thing when i got in at 8am this morning helped alot, evenings seem to be worse THANK GOD at least i can feel and look my worst with the door closed tehe!!

Sickness is good lol!!

Is it me or has anyone noticed their boobies are kinda more pert and volutuous, I kinda like it lol!!

I don't know that I would describe mine as 'pert' lol but they are definitely bigger & heavier. Have ordered som soft bras off the internet as they are quite sore as well.
Yes i seem to have developed a pair of rock hard boulders in the last few days i am liking it though as it is a good sign

I also cannot get into my jeans as i am very bloated at the minute although i have lost 5 pounds since being pregnant lol!
Ah yes it's awful!

Not only am I shattered and yawning mid morning, I'm finding myself forget things!

I had a lady on hold today and went to make tea (still on hold!), then I booked someone into the Jurys Inn BRIGHTON instead of Birmingham (as she had requested lol)

I'm worried that my boss will start to notice before I have chance to sort it out...

...Plus the excitement of it all is crazy. I'm talking babies non-stop, girls must be so irritated with me.


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