WOOOO! Monopoly Night!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Me and 'The Boys' (I don't have many female friends... I'm not a hussy!) are having Monopoly Night tonight... starts at 7 and finishes... well, does Monopoly ever REALLY finish??

I have the newer monopoly with credit cards instead of cash so cheating is practically impossible :(

:lol: I can't believe I am getting so excited about board games on a Friday Night!
oh jade i thought i was sad getting excited for celeb BB tonight..we are both saddos :hug:
Ooooh.... sounds fun!

Is the new one with the cards any good??? Brian usually cheats!
SarahH said:
Ooooh.... sounds fun!

Is the new one with the cards any good??? Brian usually cheats!

:shakehead: It's near impossible to win unless you are playing a deaf and blind person :( :lol: :lol:

I prefer the card one to the cash one- makes it much easier to tiday up! :D
I love monopoly but its banned in my house as oh cheats and it always ends in an arguments :lol:

Oh and i forgot big bro started tonight now i am excited. :dance:
I LOVE monopoly! My family used to get together at my parents house on a friday night for a game and a few drinks...great fun 8)

James got the starwars edition for his birthday and picked it up pretty quickly. He won against me, OH and the inlaws! :lol:

I'm looking forward to CBB tonight, I'm interested to see what Mutya will be like :)
I LOVE monopoly! My family used to get together at my parents house on a friday night for a game and a few drinks...great fun 8)

James got the starwars edition for his birthday and picked it up pretty quickly. He won against me, OH and the inlaws! :lol:

I'm looking forward to CBB tonight, I'm interested to see what Mutya will be like :)
^^^^^^^^That was me by the way, I didn't realise OH was logged in :doh:
muppetmummy said:
^^^^^^^^That was me by the way, I didn't realise OH was logged in :doh:

:doh: I've done that a few times when Kev has been logged in :doh: :lol:

Have a great night Jade it sounds like fun :cheer: I much prefer the card version too :dance:
We got Monopoly on the Wii for xmas, its great, i prefer the Richer game to the actual game on it though :clap: Hope you win Jade :dance:
i have the card version and can i just say you CAN cheat

just dont press the automatic go button thingy type it in manually :shhh: :wink:

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