Woo! Good midwife appointment & sweep


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Just got back from midwife, really nice new lady, she gave me a sweep and said I'm already 100% effaced and 3cms dilated! She was hopeful it will be very soon, she could feel his head, which made him wiggle around!

So I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and my legs uncrossed it'll be very soon. Gonna get on with housework and keeping trotting up and down those stairs all day!
Wooooo!! Thays fab news! Im so jealous!! Hahaha. Just a nosy question, is baby engaged? Because im worried my mw wont do my sweep today if babys not engaged, he wasnt last week- which is making me nervous!!

Oh gosh im excited for you, could be anytime now!!
How did you find the sweep?
3cms is loooaaaddss, only another 7 and your pushin!!! :-)

He's 3/5ths, has been for a month. Sweep was fine, bit uncomfy but nothing terrible.
I hope yours is either engaged, or she'll still sweep ya! I knew all the walking I've been doing would get him down and dilate me a bit.
Pleased about me 3cms news, still just playing the waiting game though!
Oooooh x you're so close!!! x glad you had such a great appointment x
Thanks hun! Really nervous- even though iv had 2 sweeps before with my first one! I got all syked up last week to have one, then got shot down with ''hes not engaged so im not doing one'' arghh!
Fingers crossed!

I bet your well excited! Make sure your bags are all ready hun!
ooo....hopefully not long to go then for some good news....yep me on the watch too hun goodluck with the house run!!! lol ive just spent 2 hours ironing....lol knackered!! xx
Oo, yes ironing, Ill be doing that shortly.
Have never been so on top of housework in my life! Its the knowing that at some point Ill be leaving the house and not really feeling up to it when I return. Plus want it to look alright for all the visitors that no doubt will flood in.

Right, now, come on then baby! Can't wait, not worried about anything, just wanna get in that hospital, and then get home!
Yep - she wouldnt do it cos he wasnt engaged! :-( hes completely free! Seeing consultant tomorrow, so im gunna push for induction date! x
Aw Beth, sorry u didn't get your sweep, good luck for induction dates. I asked about having one, and was told my hospitals policy is term+12, not before unless complications.

After my initial 3cms excitement, not had a touch of a sign. No spotting, no cramps, no show, nothing. If I have to wait till 12 days over, that's next flaming Saturday. OH will be back to work Monday, and DS starts school Tuesday. Excellent.
Sounds like it could kick off at any time now! Am ready by the phone and have nothing on for the next 2 days so am ready and waiting for labour watch! :yay:
Haha Annie, well I will be trying my best just for you then hun!
This will blatantly jinx it, but am hoping seeing as midwife said already 3cms, it should be a quick birth. Now you wait, thats just ensured I'll have a 72 hr nightmare!
Well my midwife said that her protocol was notnto sweep second pregnancies until 41 weeks! I thought, whats the point in makin me wait another week, just because this is my second child!
We'v already been in talks about iduction but they'v put it off because baby wasnt engaged, so im just gunna push for it tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

Aw, what a shame if you have to be induced though, around that special time! You should be offered a second sweep before then though, the second sweep worked for me with my first. Fingers crossed this one works for you though!! Get walking! Haha xx
Good luck Beth, read your other post about your ribs, so I really hope it works for you.
My midwife today only really did my sweep as I whinged on about my poor little boy and school.

Ugh, next appointment is next weds, so that would be second sweep, good god hope I don't have to wait that long. I'm gonna sweep myself on the weekend I reckon. Second thoughts don't have the guts to do it I dont reckon!

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