wont sit on potty... what do i do?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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jacobs nearly 2 and still wont entertain his potty... i don't know what i should be doing to get him used ot it.. i've tried sitting on it, i've put it in front of the telly and sat him on it.. 2 mins later and he's off.. he still hasn't had a wee in it yet and i've had it for months. I leave him without a nappy after his bath but all i seem to do is mop up around him. :wall: At what age are boys usually out of nappies? is it true girls are quicker?

luke was about 2 and a half hun and he did it straight away maybe jacobs just not ready yet im sure he will do it in his own good time dont worry :hug: xxxxxxx
I agree with Rach hun; Jacob will do it when he is ready.

We have had one around the house for a while now and although Gabs does't pee on it yet, she will sit on it. This is an achievement because at the start she cried and was scared of it.

I just leave it around and try and encourage her without being too pushy.
Hoping we'll get there :D

I have heard that girls are quicker than boys but not sure how true it is; every child is individual. I have a friend whose son was potty trained at 18 and a bit months yet her daughter was 2 and a bit.

Good luck hun :hug:
Boys are alot slower at things than girls because they are generally more laid back and lazy. We've had a potty for Harrison for a little while now to get him used to it being around, he will happily sit on it and he knows what to cause he pushes while hes on there but he will still end up peeing on the floor, I don't think he understands just yet. Don't get stressed hun, Jacob will do it when he's ready, encourage him but don't push for it because things like this can backfire.
kieron was quiker than Hannah he was 18 months and hannah was just 2 but he would only use the toilet standing like daddy he wouldnt use a potty
mary70 said:
kieron was quiker than Hannah he was 18 months and hannah was just 2 but he would only use the toilet standing like daddy he wouldnt use a potty

when you say he stood, did he pee into the potty or on a step into the toilet?
Dont stress about it hun, he will get it when he is ready. My son has just turned 3 and just about potty trained. To be fair though, I never forced the issue with him and just let him do it himself, then when I knew he was ready it took us only a few days to train him completely. I probably could have pushed him into it earlier but didnt want the frustrating battle of wills to get him to do it so waited until I knew he was ready. Friends of ours had their son out of nappies at 2, but it took them months of endless training and millions of accidents, ours was a much calmer affair!
I wouldn't rush. Stanley's the same age and not at all interested yet. I'm not worried, I actually still think it's pretty young to expect any developments in this are TBH.
James never liked the potty, he missed that bit out and went straight to using the toilet. I think he was nearly 3 before he was out of nappies
muppetmummy said:
James never liked the potty, he missed that bit out and went straight to using the toilet. I think he was nearly 3 before he was out of nappies

My nephew was the same. He refused a potty so was straight in the toilet. But we couldn't get him out of the habit of going outside and weeing up the wall!
I work with children aged between 2 and 3yrs so they all go through potty training before moving up to preschool. and yes in my experience boys usually potty train better after 2 and a half years. Some mums are insistant that their boy is out of nappies by 2 and a half and we do get there eventually but the mums that wait until they are ready get it within a couple weeks.

Unless my son shows any signs of being ready i doubt i'll even attempt until hes over 2 and a half.
Sage said:
but the mums that wait until they are ready get it within a couple weeks.

Unless my son shows any signs of being ready i doubt i'll even attempt until hes over 2 and a half.

That was my experiance with Jessica, she was just over 2 and a half and went from nappies to dry all night within 2 weeks. It was great.
As others have said, it defo doesn't sound like Jacob is ready.

It's not just that boys are supposedly lazier than girls, I've read somewhere that there are physical reasons why boys are usually ready for potty training later. Think it was being able to feel the urge to need to wee develops later in boys than girls.

We've bought pottys, one for upstairs and one for downstairs. We've just started asking Isaac whether he wants to sit on the potty before bath time. Most of the time he says no.

I've also read that you should look out for dry nappies in the morning and after naps. Isaacs are still very wet in the morning.

You can't rush these things, he'll co-operate when he's ready :D

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