Wondering if anyone would know


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Hi ladies,

Just wondering if anyone could tell me. I know that Agnus Castus (think that's it's name) And Raspberry leaf are supposed to bring on ovulation if you don't ovulate regularly, but I was wondering if it actually brings ovulation on earlier if you ovulate later in your cycle?

For example, I ovulate around day 20 of a 28 day cycle (although last month my af was 5 days late so ended up being a 33 Day cycle). If I took these things, would it actually make me ovulate earlier in my cycle and therefore increase the amount of time any fertilised egg may have to implant?

Any advise or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated. :)
if u onyl have a 8 days lutreal phase then u need to see someone , as this isnt long enough for a embryo to implant !

are u sure u dont ovualte till day 20 ? usualy u ovulate 10 - 16 days before af !
Before i started OPK'ing and checking CM i actually thought I O'd around CD 18 or so as i seemed to get a bit :twisted: and wanting to procreate :oops: But i've been doing OPK's for the last two cycles and both times it's given me +'s for LH surge on CD 20-21. I've checked the monitor reading with the Wizz stick and it seems to make sense.

Thing is, every other month (apart from last month, and i'm not sure about this month yet) i've had a spot on 27 day cycle. But once I got the +LH last month and we BD'd my cycle went all up the creek. I had all sorts of symptoms I haven't normally had previously, for example a few days before i was due my boobs and nipples were so sore, but not in the same way as PMT makes them sore, which normally only happens a day before AF actually arrives, my boobs got bigger, I was throwing out so much heat i couldn't stand sleeping with the blanket on, and if it was on me I ended up drenched in sweat and my nipples seemed to Enlarge. But then 5 days after AF was officially due she turned up. I was convinced (and hoping) that I was PG. So i hopped on here to find out what was going on and had a feeling i had a chemical pregnancy maybe. Because of this i'm not 100% sure when i'm due this month, but i'm on CD 26 at the moment so don't know whether to expect AF on CD28 or 33! :) Just bizarre that since i was 11 my periods have been spot on, even with PCOS diagnosed (which have apparently disappeared now) and suspected Endo (found something, but all they could tell me is it wasn't Endo)

So i'm not 100% sure what's going on with that. Would it be normal to Ov late in the cycle and then the cycle adjust itself to give you 14 days until AF? (if that makes any sense at all)

Sorry for the mamoth post, i'm just a little confused with my own body at the moment, and if O'ing late is going to cause problems with implantation i want to find out if there's something that i can do about it (as naturally as possible)
Im not sure hunny sorry, did not wanna read & run

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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