I am sure we've all read all kinds of info on positions that are best for conception. I've definitely read more than once that man-on-top is better, 'cause of gravity and all. But then someone told me that if you have a retrograde cervix (which I think I was told I have [I was told this by a nurse doing a Pap smear years before I even dreamed of TTC so I didn't really think about it!]), then woman-on-top is best.
I am hoping, for ALL OF US, if the ladies who are now pregnant or have been pregnant have any advice from personal experience if woman-on-top really is a no-go. I'm sure it's TMI but that's my favourite position!!
And when you think of it, if woman-on-top really doesn't work for conception, this would be told to everyone trying to avoid pregnancy!
Looking forward to hearing the facts!
I am hoping, for ALL OF US, if the ladies who are now pregnant or have been pregnant have any advice from personal experience if woman-on-top really is a no-go. I'm sure it's TMI but that's my favourite position!!
And when you think of it, if woman-on-top really doesn't work for conception, this would be told to everyone trying to avoid pregnancy!
Looking forward to hearing the facts!