witch is early

Rio & Mikeys Mummy x

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2007
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My af was not due until the 15th Jan, and she has come today, only a tiny bit of bleeding but im sure its not implantation bleeding. This is how my af normally starts.

Oh well obviously not my time yet

:( :( :( :( :(
Oh so sorry flower, Dont you just hate AF!!!!!!! Never mind chin up and think postive to next month.xxxx
Thanks Girls, it has made me realise that everymonth my body reacts differently when af is due, only the last two months my boobies have been sore before and this is the first months I have experienced cramps prior to af arriving, im really not gonna try and symptom spot anymore cause its just depressing the life out of me.

I always thought my cycle was spot on 28 days but this month has been 26 days, would you count today as my first day even thougth it is just slight brown discharge :oops: :fib: :fib: or would you wait until she arrives properly to count this as my first day, this is were I may be going wrong as my last af was on the 18th Dec but never properly arrived until around the 20th
what do you think xxxxx
I would mark your first day as the day you need to use either a tampon or towel......
Yeah, I dont count spotting as the first day. I only count from when its in full flow so to speak. Sorry she got you. My body reacts differently every month to AF too. Hence why I have thought I could have been pregnant before. Some months I get bad cramping and sore boobs, some months no symptoms at all until I see spotting.

I always used to know when AF was on her way as I would have bad headaches and be a right stroppy cow - this always happened when I took the pill too. Its been about 4/5 months since I had those symptoms though. Its very confusing. This is why I think charting is very helpful.
Thanks girlies, have my dreaded af headache and being quite snappy probably my only guarnateed af symptoms.

Sorry she got you :( . My cycle was always 28 days regular as clockwork, as soon as we started ttc it went to 26 days-hows bizarre isnt it.

Better luck fot you next month hon.x

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