Wishing it Away...


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I feel awful because I am wishing my pregnancy away now. :cry:

I know I only have a maximum of 28 days left and then I'll be induced but I don't want to wait that long. :shakehead:

I'm uncomfortable so I don't sleep well, I have issues with the fact I am getting bigger so I don't want to go out or see anyone. I spend all day waiting for my OH to get home so that I have some company and I'm bored. :x

People keep telling me not to wish these last weeks away because I'll miss them when they're gone but I can't help it... I just want her out! :doh:

GGRRR. :evil:
i think we all do it hun i no around your stadge i started to get really fed up as im the same dont want to see anyone and only have hubby for company really,
i have no advice im affraid ive just been trying to do things that aint cleaning like sew/knit/read even sorting out paperwork lol
manda xx
You are officially allowed to hang around on here all day... and wish the time away :) I walked loads and loads and loads because I didn't want to go overdue. She came 2 days early. I ran up a hill too :oops: not done it since though... probably should.
I'm sure your not alone with this!! :hug:

We have spent three quarters of a year preparing for our new lives, now it would be good to put our planning into to practice!!

I'm the same, i'm being induced at 38 weeks - cant think of anything else right now!!

Just try to keep yourself busy! xx
Don't wish it away! I didn't get time to enjoy my pregnancy as I worked doing 2 jobs and then he came before my mat leave started. I would have loved to actually rest and enjoy the last few weeks before he got here.

Saying that I love that he is here now and wouldn't change a thing
I've wished mine away all the way through without meaning too!
It's hard not too when you're so excited about the end result :D
you'll wish it away then you'll miss the excitement of being active in Tri 3 forum!!! I miss all the 'who's gonna pop and why cant it be me!' :lol:

oh so walking really helped newmum, right, I am going for one now...the spd and hip pain will be with worth it...ha ha see how desperate I am getting now!
yes, my mum loved her time before I came along, somethings are nice like chilling in the house but the soreness aint good

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