Winding a BF baby?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Do you wind your LO after ever feed?.. what if they've fallen asleep on the breast or at night do you wake them up? Do you have to wait until you get a burp up? Sorry for so many questions but i've not been winding Cooper :oops: and now he's got bad wind :cry: ( bottom burps ) when i do wind him he doesn't seem to burp anything up. Thanks for any help xx
Although DD only has breast milk, I express and she drinks it from a bottle so if she doesn't burp she tends to throw up. I have heard that bottle fed babies mostly burp and breast fed babies mostly fart :D So don't worry, I think it's normal.
Yeah I think its normal, Eva has reflux though so I try to wind her gently even if she has fallen asleep, you dont need to bash it out of them though, just holding her upright and rubbing her back usually gets it up if its going to come out at all. I am always really shocked at just what a loud burp can come out of a dainty lil baby lol
I wind callum half way through

Dont know wether thats right though....

Then he always falls asleep on it and i try and get a burp by putting him over my shoulder.
Sometimes he does and others he doesnt
I only wind Galen when he fusses on my boob and keeps pulling off and making faces and going back on again. I've learnt his 'I need a burp' signals now.

Sometimes I don't wind him at all after a feed and wait till he starts fussing, be it 2 or 10 minutes later. Much easier this way as he actually does need to burp then.

I never worry about doing so when he dreamfeeds. He is so relaxed sucking no air gets in and I wait till he falls off my nipple, give him a few minutes then pop him back in the cot. If he fusses later I then wind him, if not I don't worry.

He's had 4 awake feeds today and has not been winded after any of them :)

He farts way more than he burps up tbh :lol:
My LO didn't wind very well at all for the first couple of months. Now he's a lot better and generally does a large belch as he's being sat up :lol: if not I pat his back for about 5 mins. If nothing by then I assume he's got nothin in there to come up.

I still wind even if he's fallen asleep on the boob - I can normally get him onto my should & pat his back without him really waking.... again I'll wind him for 5mins, but if nothing, just put him down to continue sleeping :sleep:
I was told i didn't need to wind Angel coz she was BF. But i noticed pretty much straight away that she was a windy baby. When she comes off herself she needs burping, then she'll go back on. Nighttime is the worst as she either screams or just will not burp. She farts all the time too!
Logan used to get terrible wind and I'd have to wind him several times during a feed. If I didnt wind him when he was asleep he'd be sick when lying on his back.

I hardly ever have to wind him now he's older
Sherlock said:
I only wind Galen when he fusses on my boob and keeps pulling off and making faces and going back on again. I've learnt his 'I need a burp' signals now.

Luke does exactly the same but he is a boob fusser right now anyway! I just pin him down LOL.

I just posted in a separate thread about this saying that I don't need to wind him much now really as he is pretty good at getting his own wind up and I never wind him at night. It just wakes him too much!

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