Willow Summer Her arrival - UPDATED WITH PICCIES


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2006
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hi girls Marchmamaa here hubby is feeding at the mo so thought i would pop on quickley.

how it all started

i was 10 days over due so was booked in for induction on monday 26th march 07 i had my first lot of tablets at 12 o clock by 3 o clock i was in slow labour my contractions came every 30 mins or so and were very mild.
by 12 midnight my contractions got a lot more painful but still only every 30 mins ish.
by the next day i was 2 cm dialted and was waiting to go to labour ward which i finally got to at 6:30 they tried to break my waters but couldnt as they said they had already gone i was given gas and air and pethindine and loved it tatally spaced out.

i was put on to a drip to speed my contractions up and oh my god they did tehy started comig thick and fast and i couldnt handle the pain (what a wimp) so i asked for an epidural which i got at about 5:30am and oh my god :shock: i screamed it hurt very much and it was laying n a nerve so had to be replaced and again i screamed very loudly :oops: .
it had just started to work when all of a sudden my contractions completly stopped and babys heartbeat dropped to 80bpm :cry: and i got very scared at this point and the midwives and doctors were being complete twats and not making a decision :evil: finally a midwife who had some sense said right we are not leaving this anymore get her preped for sergury so i had a shave :oops: and a catheither fitted and off i went all within approx 30 mins. my epidural was topped up and up and up until i was finaly numb and then they delivered it turned out baby had pooed in me and if left for another hour it could have been fatel for me and baby :shock: . anyway she was delivered at 6:51am and was perfectly healthy as was i.

so Willow Summer Davis was born on 28th march at 6:51am weighing 7lbs 8 1/2 ozs.

on the other page it said i was in labour for 30 hours well after counting back it turns out i was in labour for 40 hours, but worth everyminute as i am tatally in love with her.

when i can figure it out i will post piccies.

sorry it has taken so long.

aww Congratulations, glad everything was ok in the end, must have been pretty scary for you. Welcome to the world baby Willow. Can't wait to see pics. Take care :hug: :hug:
congratulations! :hug:

can't wait to see pics!
congrats...You are not a wimp for not being able to cope with the pain..Glad iall is well and Willow is home :hug:
Congratulations! Glad everything turned out well and you are both healthy. :cheer: 40 hours :shock: !!
A huge Congratulations hun glad it all worked out ok in the end and she arrived safe and sound. :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
Awww.....glad to hear all is well, sorry you had what sounds like quite a worrying time!! 40 hours...my god....you're a hero......i hope I don't get a 40 hour one!! :shock:

Look forward to the piccies hun........CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :cheer:
:shock: 40 hours!!
Congratulations and WELL DONE! :dance:
Welcome Willow Summer - what a beautiful name i love it! :)
Well Done Hunny & welcome to little Willow!

I had similar with Eefie, his heart rate dropped to 70bpm and MW called in the consultant who was cool as a cucumber and got him out very quickly with a ventouse. I think if I had had an epidural in I would have had a ceasarian like you.

Hope you're not too sore, cant wait to see pics :cheer:
Congratulations hun. Glad you and bubba are doing OK.

Im due to be induced at Queens on Wednesday - really not looking forward to it - just hope I have a decent midwife.

Take care XX
Congratulations Becky, can't wait to see pics of your little princess.
congratulations on your little lady, and such a beautiful name too xxxx

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