Will you help me girls?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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I have got to answer these questions for my coursework, im nearly at the end of my NVQ - finally after more than 2 years!!!! and just got to answer these questions, the tutor is coming Monday so want to get them out of the way!

the thing is, (now for my excuse ;) ) i have a totally mashed up brain (pregnancy brain :lol: ) at the moment and cant seem to function on answering the questions.

Do you fancy answering me the questions girls? :D
sorry lol its for my Business Admin NVQ.

the questions are (they dont need long answers just short!)

1. How do you evaluate your work?
2. Why is it important to test out possible improvements to your work?
3. How can learning and development help you improve and further your career?
4. Why is it important to be resilient when you experience set backs?
5. How to identify dsagreements with colleagues and the techniques for sorting them out?
6. How to identify conflicts of interest with colleagues and the measures that can be used to manage or remove them?
7. The working culture of the industry or sector.
8. The processes within the organisation for making decisions.
9. Line management responsibilities and relationships within the organisation.
10. About power, influence and politics within the organisation.
11. The standards of behaviour and performance expected in the organisation.

dont worry if you cant do it girls, i cant :lol:
are you doing an apprenticeship?

they sound exactly like the questions I was asked in mine!!

If Im honest, I literally just made up the answers... Im not joking, I just made sure it related to my line of work and made sure it sounded good.

I passed with flying colours!

Just write what you think, its kinda hard to answer the questions for you when we don't know what they relate to. What kind of work are u in?
Funkylady said:
are you doing an apprenticeship?

they sound exactly like the questions I was asked in mine!!

If Im honest, I literally just made up the answers... Im not joking, I just made sure it related to my line of work and made sure it sounded good.

I passed with flying colours!

Just write what you think, its kinda hard to answer the questions for you when we don't know what they relate to. What kind of work are u in?
not an apprenticship exactly....well it could be classed as that i suppose, its an NVQ! i work in a solicitors.
I frickin' LOVE homework!! I am desperate to go to college in September to start an evening course in something!!

Anyway, it's really hard to answer your questions because I don't know what job you do :( One thing I learnt when I was at 6th form (I only stuck it out for 3 months though :oops: ) was to reply to a question with the question to improve your word count lol!

I've only answered 2 because I have no idea how to help with most of the Qs!


2. Why is it important to test out possible improvements to your work?
It is extremely important to test improvements to your work because you will never be able to raise your bar and increase your success unless you try to better your previous standard. In any line of business you will encounter difficulties, it's a matter of learning ways in which you can rectify any problems to improve your weaker areas.

4. Why is it important to be resilient when you experience set backs?
It is important to be resilient when you experience set backs because Life itself is full of them. It is a skill we learn and develop during our childhood. It would be extremely difficult to find a person who has furthered their career without a certain amount of set backs. You will never know how far you can push yourself unless you try, and with trying comes obstacles which can represent a "set back" should you fail at it.

The word I would use here is "determination". Without determination and positive mental attitude, you cannot improve and move on from the set back.


Ah :think: just thought that Zebrastripes would be PERFECT to help with this thread! x
Just to add;

7. The working culture of the industry or sector.
8. The processes within the organisation for making decisions.
9. Line management responsibilities and relationships within the organisation.
10. About power, influence and politics within the organisation.
11. The standards of behaviour and performance expected in the organisation.

^^ Is it just me or are they not actually questions?! lol!!! :lol: x
Sorry I wouldn't even know where to start! :oops: :oops:
Hope you manage to get your answers :D

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