If when you go back to your drs and they are not helpful then if you can go see a different dr. I went to one dr who was useless did not even want to do bloods and I practically begged her to do bloods. 2 weeks later I went to a different dr who is fab! he forward me onto the specialists there and then.
My doc already did bloods to test hormone levels (which is why he thinks i have very mild pcos) and he told me to try naturally till april then go back and get referred. I reckon he didn't realise how mental this cycle was going to be though. I'll call tomorrow... probably!
I was very shocked to find it online tbh. I googled it and there were adverts to buy it online. I can't believe you can buy stuff like that on the net and it's even more frightening that men are taking it to enhance their stamina and muscles etc. Scary stuff!
And no, I dont think having a beard will help you conceive babe
Aww hun i know how you feel
I am having 37 day cycles at the moment and thats bad for me i hate having the long cycles so i know how you
feel 90 days is a very long time and its not right to be honest like all the girls have said.
I remember going back years i must of been around 19, 20, i was having 45 day cycles
and i went to the gp told him and he gave me a tablet to stop my period for 1 whole mth
then when i did get my period it went back to a 28 day cycle and i kept having 28 day cycles
Am thinking if this will help you if you mention it to your gp.
The reason i am on a 37 day cycle now is because of ivf medication i had in december
the doctor said it should go back to normal soon but if it does not then i will be going
back to the gp myself.
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