Will only sleep on you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Eva used to go to sleep herself when I put her in her cot but now if she looks sleepy and I lie her down she wakes up - everytime. She wants to be rocked to sleep. Is it just a phase do you think? She is waking up all through the night again and isnt hungry - just wants to be rocked.

:roll: any advise guys? xx
Have the same thing hun and dying for someone to help me lol. I'm up about 3 times in the night! Aaron also used to go to sleep by himself but since he's learnt to stand up he just stands and cried until I cuddle him to sleep! No idea what to do! Hoping he'll grow out of it.
I believe it's a phase and very normal around this age. At this age, babies become very alert & aware of their surroundings. I have seen this in all 3 my children and I can promise you, always between 5-7 months.

It's a phase and will soon pass. It's very tiring and frustrating, because nothing gets done and me too, have become quite annoyed at times.
Our little bunnies are just adjusting and their becoming wiser. They know us, trust us and want to be held by us.

Hang in there - give as much reassurance and remember, not before long, this little bunny will be all grown up and too heavy to lift.
Perhaps not much comfort in my words - I hope it passes soon. What seemed like a lifetime of Oscar being up many times during the night and permanently attached to my hip - really only added up to 3 weeks.

good luck
Emilia xx
The strange thing is that I dont feel annoyed when she wakes anymore. I'm getting used to no sleep now haha! Just get stressed when she wakes DH up and he has work the next day.

Thanks emilia! xx

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