Will it ever end.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2015
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I'm feeling super sorry for myself and possibly slightly depressed
This sick feeling I've had for two weeks now just doesn't seem to want to shift, it's draining me, I've no motivation, I've had 5 days off work which I've had booked for months, the thought of going into work again feeling like this makes me want to cry. Only a couple people at work know. I haven't told my boss but I'm thinking maybe I should.
Ive never felt this sorry for myself, even when I have really bad cold/flu I can still go to work with out hesitation and still feel ok but this is something else, I just can't handle it. I'm not being sick but it's the non stop feeling sick I don't know what to do.
Ive got the bands, rubbish
Ginger biscuits, 5 min wonder
Sipping on a different drinks, nothing
Sucking sweets, nope

Does this last much longer??!!!
Sorry for my rant but I've no one else to really ask
Have you spoken to your doctor? They might be able to give you a helping hand. It's work a shot if it's getting you down.
Docs going to call me but receptionist most unhelpful..... It's all part of the course!!!!!
Ill give her .....
Hopefully you will be given something that will help. I've felt the same for the past 2 weeks also and have been given 2 different types of medication to help ease the nausea. The first lot didn't make a difference and the second lot seem to work quite well but completely zap me of any energy, bit of a catch 22 but hoping these new tablets will mean I can go back to work x
Im sure the doc will be able to help I found that if I ate drank a cup of milk when I got up with my first it kept the sickness at bay until I got something to eat however with the second it just came back up and only now at 17 weeks am I able to keep milk down. I felt sicky until 16 weeks I know thats not what you want to hear but everyone is different - I found that if I had a rich tea or something to eat when I got up it kept it at bay but some days nothing worked xx
It's so horrible isn't it,
I'm going through the same thing, and people can be so unsympathetic!
I've just been to the doctors and prescribed some anti sickness medication which has slightly took the edge off, so push for it if it's making you feel so bad.
Hope you feel better soon xxxx
They wernt any help what so ever, gave me a website to look at and call back in a week and see how Iam then :(
hey i am in the same boat! i feel so sick but am not sick which i feel is slightly worse :-( i almost want to be sick just to get some relief.! and with this comes a pounding headache! i went to bed this afternoon and just cried! luckily my husband was working from home and he looked after my daughter. i have the bands too but they don't seem to have made a difference. i have bought fresh ginger to make tea and that helps a little. hope we feel better soon :-)
Oh I've had this awful , I've cried so many tears over it ... I'm back at work now ( had breakdowns at work) but today luckily its my day off and I'm in bed with this awful sick feeling still! .. Nothing worked for me and I'm 14+4 .. I'm not having major breakdowns over it now though . Hope yours goes away speedy xx
I can really sympathise with that. I felt so sick, dizzy, tired & just awful for the first few weeks. It started to get me really down as I just couldn't function properly or enjoy anything, including being pregnant. Then at around 9 weeks it just lifted, all the rubbish feelings disappeared & now I'm 12 weeks & feel really good. Hang in there, even though it doesn't feel like it it will end. Maybe see the doc too, might be able to help xx
My sickness lasted 9 months, morning noon and night, mostly day time - but it was awful. It actually has been one reason for me waiting so long to TTC again - I felt shit. I thought Id be this mother nature hippy bitch and actually I was this ball of vom. The further on I got the harder it got as you over heat and have to strip down whilst holding in being sick with this big bump.

I had to get off busses and be sick out of a moving car aswell. I feel your pain...

For some it gets better, for me dispite medication - it didnt.


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