Will I ever have my baby!!??

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Monday was a BAD day..my due date..I was so dissapointed and it was such an anti climax that I couldnt even speak by the end of the day, I was so gutted...

Yesterday I was really positive..saw the midwife who has booked me in for a sweep Monday, and will sort me out an induction for hopefuly later that week..

Today I am down again, I just cant believe its ever going to happen, I dont feel any different to any other day and I feel like I am going mad sitting here waiting for something to happen

Its OH birthday today, I had saved up and bought him a beautiful Raymond Weil watch he ALWAYS wanted, it was going to be a special gift from me and baby today, and I felt so sad that baby wasn here when he opened it!!?? He LOVED it, it made him cry (big softie) but I was bawling as I really wanted baby to be here on his birthday!

someone slap me with a wet fish...Budge??? :rotfl:

Sorry, just wanted to let off some steam...Off to rearrange some teeny babygros AGAIN, for the hundreth time this week :roll: :rotfl:
of course you will hun... i went 8 days over due it was a nightmare i had to have two sweeps and was at my consultant appiontment when i was told i was in labour ( dunno how i didn't know lol) :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

have you had the sweep yet? or got a date to be induced?
Aww Zoe, I can really sympathise with you hun. I was so looking forward to my due date and every day that went by seemed like an eternity. It's all well and good people saying enjoy the rest as you won't have a second once baby is born (that's certainly true) but when you know baby could come any time there is nothing else you can focus on. I went 10 days over and ended up being induced - hope it doesn't come to that for you I was almost suicidal by then!!
Sweep booked for Monday, I am not holding out any hope of it working to be honest, most people I know who had one said it did nothing...She said she will ring hozzie while I am there and get me a date for induction, the earliest will be wednesday if there is a slot...the latest the following monday..

I know the end is in sight now, but it just seems soooo far away :cry:
the thing is, its only a small minority come on their due date, so try not to worry about it too much, just try and think of it as the latest your baby will be born is 14days after your due date, and try and relax and enjoy your final few baby days.

Do all the things you wont be able to do for a while before your baby comes, go get your hair done or nails, get a massage, anything that will help you relax

Im kinda thinking about not being too concentrated on my " due date" and just relaxing and thinking that my baby will definitely be born before the 26th feb :cheer:
have you tried everything to bring labour on...the day before i went into labour i did
* a long walk
* loads of pinapple
*and sex :shhh: :oops:
i said this to jaidy - pineapple and sex!!!!!

i really hope LO comes soon for u zoe, im guessin its a boy cos they r lazy bums lol!! :rotfl:
I walk doggie every day for around an hour, havent been so far today as we had a disaster last night when a radiator fell off wall, so waiting in for plumber....I wonder if he fancies sex, OH at work! :think: :rotfl:

I HATE pineapple and have eaten so much curry, I stink!!

Right, OH is so going to get it when he gets home tonight, it is his bithday after all right, so we can do it twice tonight!!! :wink: :cheer: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: r u hoping nothin gets baby moving like bed springs creaking lol!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
mummykay said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: r u hoping nothin gets baby moving like bed springs creaking lol!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

:wink: You bet...although I hardly feel sexy right now..Oh well, lie back and think of England :rotfl:

I am so sure its a boy now, and if it takes after its father, he is so laid back he is horizontal sometimes. He was 2 weeks overdue, so I am fully expecting to be in for the long haul :roll:
zoe c said:
someone slap me with a wet fish...Budge??? :rotfl:

Sorry, just wanted to let off some steam...Off to rearrange some teeny babygros AGAIN, for the hundreth time this week :roll: :rotfl:

Zoe you're lovely but I don't want to be arrested:
http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tm_ob ... _page.html

I guess at most it's 2 weeks on Monday just gone for you, hope it passes by speedily, and that if you don't start before this Monday coming that the sweep does help
"At this point, the accused said, 'You f*****g answer me next time I ask you to kiss a fish', and slapped him round the face with it."

Mr Binnie, 20, was unable to tell officers what kind of fish it was.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I am p***ing myslef here

Right GP, if that doesnt send me off into labour, I dont know what will!!! :cheer:
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! My friend in work, she was due same day as me...has just text her waters have gone and she is on way to hospital!!! Now I am really fed up and crying :cry: but excited for her too :cheer: Is that bad of me??
oh bless you zoe i really feel for you. i still think you will go before your sweep on monday mate. infact i think you will go today. :dance:

thinking of you and sending you loads and loads of labour dust and strong vibes for some beginnings of labour xx :pray:
Oh Zoe!! It'll happen chick - do some fenzy cleaning - scrubbing the kitchen floor is also a good way of getting LO in a good position for labour 8)
Sorry you feel down today Zoe. My due date today and nothing except baby wriggling a lot, also feel rubbish. It will all be forgotten once our LOs are here. :hug:
Happy due date Bec, isnt your anniversary today too??

Its such an anti climax getting to that due date and nothing happening....as you say it will all be forgotten soon when we have ou LO in our arms xx
Tonight you'll give OH his extra birthday prezzie, tomorrow you'll go in labour and like I said you'll have her early hours of Friday :lol: :lol: :lol:

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