Why won't she drink milk? - SORRY ITS LONG!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2005
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Before Christmas Katy was in a nice routine she worked out for herself, feeding every 4ish hours & sleeping from 7pm til 6am, having a feed then sleeping for another hour. She would also nap regularly.

Ok, so she has never taken a lot of milk since I stopped brestfeeding & out her on formula, & I was advised to wean her early by HV to get more milk into her as she wasn't gaining much weight.

Christmas threw the poor little love all out of sync, however hard we tried to keep things normal & since then she hardly feeds & is waking twice in the night for feeds, & shes still not gaining weight. She's also not lost any yet, so thats something!! She also hates napping....big struggle!!

She hardly ever takes more than 4 1/2 oz a time, although sometimes she takes a bit more.

Here's an example of a usual day at the moment:
5am - Wake for feed - 4 1/2 oz
8.30am - Get up
9.30am - Milk - 2oz approx
(If I leave it until 11am, 3oz)
1pm - 4oz if its a good day, 2oz if not.
5pm - 4 1/2oz plus solids.
7pm - 2oz max, sometimes nothing.
between 11pm and 1am she will wake and take 4 1/2oz.

Thats on a good day.

Today she had 5oz at midnight, 4oz plus some baby rice at 7.30am as I diverted her 5am feed thinking she may take more at 7.30 but it didn't work. Then she had 3oz at 2pm. In between I have tried to feed her nut like always she's not interested.

She never cries to be fed, even when she wakes in the night she just fusses til she gets fed then goes back to sleep. I could leave her all day without giving her milk & she probably wouldn't be bothered.

Its a constant battle to try & get her to take milk, I'm dreading having her weighed this week.

Sometimes I give her solids in the morning to try & up her milk intake, but I'm really aware that milk is the priority. However, he takes the same amount of milk however much solids I feed her.

Does anyone have any ideas - I feel like i've tried everything & i'm getting desperate. She weighs 13lbs 4ozs at the moment.

IS she teething. Ellis stopped drink his milk when he was teething would also only do 2-4 ounces. I found i could only get a bottle into him when i dream feed him cos he was asleep and it must not have hurt his gums.

hope she gets better soon xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for your reply Keely. She is teething, but its been going on for weeks now & I'm just a worrying I guess coz its been so long.........saying that, I dreamfed her at 11.30 last night rather than waiting for her to wait & she took 5oz, then she woke at 5.15 this morning for a feed & took 5 1/2oz :cheer:

If she does that every night its something at least, & she is always happy so I guess I should just let her guide me...........just a panicing (sp?) mum!!
god trust me i well paniced when ellis stopped drinking milk but he was still putting 6-10 ounces on a week then!! hehe

Arianna was/is exactly the same and will hardly take any milk when her gums are bothering her. She holds her bottle and just chews on the teet rather than sucking, but it I give her a teething ring she throws it away!!

S. xx
Thats good to know thanks Sarah....she seemed better for a few days, but her gums are definately bad at the moment & shes doing the same. Thanks to you both i'm not worrying now & can concentrate on trying to distract her with mummy love!!

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