Feeding routine for Los who have just started to wean?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Hi there

here is Imogen's routine at the moment for feeding...(she is 5 months on Thursday)

7.30/8am feed (she is up for 30 mins or so before she gets grisly) We offer her 6oz and she'll take around 4oz usually

11/11.30 am 6oz feed - she drains this usually but when we have offered 7oz she takes 6oz! (I am thinking of introducing some rice at this feed)

3.00 ish offer a 6oz bottle she usually takes 5oz

6.00 ish baby rice and 6oz bottle offered she usually takes 4 oz

anywhere between 10 and 11.30 she has a 6oz bottle - it varies how much she takes (between 4-6oz)

Then she sleeps through til wake up time.

What are the routines for your LOs who are at the same sort of stage of weaning?

We are looking to introduce rice at the 11am ish feed as I feel she wants "more" even tho she doesn't always drain the bottle but if we offer 7oz, she never finishes it.. I feel she wants "food"...

On the baby care centre website it says multiply your baby's weight by 2.5 - 2.7 oz to get how much formula they need in 24hour period. That means Imogen should be having between 35 - 38oz. But I have worked out that she only has around 25oz!!! :shock: She is putting on weight nicely and following the line of progression perfectly...and she is not constipated.

So my Qs are...

1. Is it expected that babies drink less milk once solids are introduced (I read this .. is it very common?)
2. Should I be offering more frequent milk feeds?
3. Should I offer milk before the rice?
4. Do you all offer solids and milk in same sitting or do you offer milk in between?

Any other words of wisdom ladies?

I am not too worried as I know every baby is different, and a friend told me both her girls only ever drank 4 oz max from a bottle once she'd weaned off breastfeeding and onto solids. They just didn't want much milk and as she mixed it with cereal/rice she knew they were getting the goodess that way.

Thanks gals.

I was told by my HV that I need to start reducing Adams milk intake as he is not gaining weight like he used to.

Here's what we are doing at the moment.

6am - 8oz
10.30 - some fruit puree and offer 8oz
2pm - some veg and offer 8oz
6pm - 8oz
9.30pm - 8oz

The amount of milk Adam takes can vary between 4 -7 oz when he has food.

We are going to try giving him more food at 10.30 and 2pm and only offer 4oz of milk instead of 8oz.

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