Why not to find out if your baby is a boy or a girl?

With my first pregnancy we didn't find out as the hospital i was at wouldn't tell you but i had a strong gut instinct that it was a girl. Finding out at the delivery was lovely no one told me the midwife held her up in front of me and asked look what you got my OH had already seen and was crying.

I am finding out this time partly because i want to and that the hospital im at now will tell you and partly because it will make things easier like picking a name, buying stuff. Also my daughter wants to know if she is having a brother or sister and wants to help get stuff sorted so thought it would be nice
My hospital doesn't tell you either, but my friends chipped in so I could have a 4D scan as a surprise :) I'd be gutted if she turns out to be a he and he'd be wearing alot of girly things for at least 3 months hehe.
Personally I don't think there's anything to 'get' about it as such as it purely comes down to individuals preference.

With my first we didn't find out and I actually didn't find it much of a struggle not to know. Bought a few cream beige and White items and the rest came in floods from friends and family once he was born. I loved not knowing the sex and that second he was born and we were told was amazing!!

This time I wanted to find out. Simply because I don't plan on having any more kids and wanted to know what it was like to be excited about knowing what I was having! I'm still so excited about it all but IF we did have another, I wouldn't find out. I don't regret knowing but it was much more exciting leading up to the birth last time. But like everyone says each to their own! Xx
My hospital aren't allowed to tell people either. People have to get a private 4D one.
I'm the same, I found out with first as I was on my own n need to get thing straight not only to get things n names but to get my Ed round it, this time I really really didn't want to know, and it happen a bit wishi washi to be honest, Lil baby wasn't playin ball which meant we was there ages this teamed up with OH saying what is every 5 mins ha in end think sanographer just wanted him to shut up, I can see both sides n to be honest I'm wi lex it's just personal choice x x x
I've got a blood condition and I've been told that I have to find out the sex as there is more likely to be complications with a boy and therefore they would want me to give birth in hospital more able to cope with the complications. If its a girl then I'll be able to give birth in my local hospital and have all my pre-natal care locally. I'm not sure if I'd have found out otherwise.
yeah i dont understand how you can wait....not cos i dont understand but the waiting would kill me!! must be lovely though to have that feeling during labour knowing you get to find out what your lo is!!! im just impatient! completely impatient! xx
I don't know why I didn't want to, I just REALLY didn't want to!

I would say though, I'm glad I didn't know she was a girl because I would have spent so much money on clothes, and the amount we've been given since she's been born, there was no need to buy a single thing!!
valid point jenni!!! i wish i had that much self control !! lol!! i
I don't want to find out becuase I love surprises and it gives me something else to look forward to while in labour. I also love all the guessing that goes on before hand with everyone trying to predict what your going to have, its good fun! Another reason is because my hospital don't tell you. Thus meaning I would have to go private and I just can't justify paying X amount of money to find out something I'm going to find out one way or another eventually.
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how weird does this sound: I HATE SURPRISES!! with a passion i hate them x
I do not want to find out as it seems a little strange to me that the baby has an identity before its even born - I just want it to me my baby!

I may change my mind nearer the time that I can find out. I strongly believe each to their own though x
how weird does this sound: I HATE SURPRISES!! with a passion i hate them x

me too.. i like to know whats happening and whats what all the time.. i hate being told somethings a surprise lol...

With my 1st I was told he was a boy and then a different doctor said he was a girl. I felt like he was a boy the whole time but nearly all my midwives doctors etc guessed girl. I wasnt surprised when he popped out a boy but they were.

This time hes definately a boy though :D

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