Why is my baby the other way round?!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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I just noticed that my scan photo seems to be the opposite way around to everyone else's..... My bubas head is on the other side to everyone else's scans lol is there any reason for this?!

Mines the same way as urs hun, nothing to be concerned about, just the way baby is lying when you have the scan I suppose.x
Mine was facing right at 12 weeks, facing left at 20 weeks! It's fine they move around lots! X
Mine did a backflip during by 13week scan, one minute was face down, the next face up! X
Yes mine was doing flips during mine and mine is facing same way as yours!
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Mine wouldn't sit still then went fce down bum up and wouldn't budge ... 15 min walk later and manage to move the little

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Mine is facing the same way - although i'm sure that will change when we go back for our 20 week scan!
Yep, mine was upside down at 12 weeks! We've got a bunch of wrigglers on our hands girls! :) x
When we had our private scan at 10w bub started one way and ended up the other way :lol:

Yes the same mine was laying facing down at the start of my 15 week scan and sitting up right by the end . Some mornings I wake and it's all on the left hand side others on the right and sometimes it's a tight ball right in middle of my tummy , I'm not feelin alot of the movements but it's obiviously moving lots. xx
At my 12 week scan it was face down and head one the left, I had a scan at 18 weeks and it was the right way up and head on the right. Then at my 20 week scan on Monday it was head on the right facing up, was told to go for a coke so she could look at the spine better and it was face down head on the left lol. They definitely get around in there!
Lol I guess it's good to know we dont have lazy babies!!! Mine was kicking and waving everywhere at my scan!

I had a scan at 17 weeks and hadn't drunk enough water so she checked and his head was on the right, then I went off for half hour to have some more water and when I came back beanio was on the left side lol, does amaze me!

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