Why is it so hard?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hi all

As some of you know, I had my 4th mc in June of this year. Since then, I have been going for tests and I have since had my results.

I have been TTC since October (not long I know) but I keep thinking that it has been almost a year since I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd. I had my scan and saw the hb and then a week later it was over but I didn't find out until a scan at 11w!! For my 4th in May, I knew for a week that I was pregnant then I started to bleed and knew it was all over.

What I am struggling with now is that all 4 of my pregnancies were accidents as I was on contraception at the time and now when I am on nothing, it isn't happening!! It is frustrating and I can't seem to stop wanting to cry all the time when I see babies or pregnant ladies. This time of year doesn't help as my angel baby would have been 9w yesterday :-(

Am I going mad? I feel as though I am!!

Sorry for the long post but I just needed to let it all out.

Lee-Ann xx
Ur not going mad at all I feel ur pain I didn't realy try that hard for my living children I just went with the flow and it happened usualy took around 6 months ish and 2 were on the pill so a shocker but much wanted anyways,now I am trying so badly and want one so badly I get pregnant but lose them. 3 in all now :-( my due day is Saturday for my march bfp I should be either a mummy to a new born or almost ready to be but nope I'm still where I was 2 yrs ago just starting to try and that makes me realy sad I'm 40 my time is not gd which makes it a whole lot worse and I'm so Jelous of pregnant ladies it actualy hurts but I've gotta stop stressing and just go with it again and hope it happens soon and I get my sticky and we will Leeane I feel 2013 is gonna be a gd year :)) xxx
I know I can get pregnant but when it is wanted it doesn't want to happen. I guess I am going to just have to relaxi into it and try not to think about when I'm ovulating etc.

I am just going to BD for the fun of it this month and not just because I want to be PG!!

Lee-Ann x
Gd for u leean wish I could be like that and I'm going to try after Xmas but my age does not help x
I am giving this positive attitude but atm all I can think about is that it was almost a year since I found out I was pregnant and I have nothing to show for it now!! I am really struggling to stop myself crying over it, stupid I know but I can't help it.

My grandmother was 42 when she gave birth to my mum so there is still time yet hon, I have my fingers crossed for you xx
I know how u feel with my second due date coming up its hurting me so bad and I must stop thinking about what should be and think about what will be :) xxx
That is the same as me hon, it will happen and I just need to relax and not think about it!!

I also feel your pain hon, we are both in the same boat.

I really am going to put it to the back of mind and if it happens then it does and I can worry about it when it does happen x

Lee-Ann x

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