Why do we HAVE TO poas!?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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OK so i'm 9dpo today, had sore boobs since ovulation, everyone told me to poas only from 10dpo onwards but i had a FR in the house and done it today instead, i mean 9dpo is nearly 10po right....BFN!! couldn't have been more BFN if it tried :(

i'm due AF on saturday which makes today 6 days before the first day of a missed period, and this FR test claims to be able to pick up the hormone at this point so i think i'm out.

i wish i waited until tomorrow but i just couldn't, so now i've wasted a FR test and i'm really peed off!

i would like to think its too early but those FR are really good. i just don't understand why my boobs are so sore?! they calmed down yesterday but started up again last night and today!

oh well, i suppose its just another trick of the female body - boo hoo :cry:
Don't lose hope, FR didn't work for me, with my last baby I tested with FR with the first one of the day 6 days before and BFN. CD digital picked her up 6 days later. FR say it'll give a positive in 60ish% of pregnancies 6 days early. You could be in the 40ish% it doesn't work for. FX x
ah thanks YM, its so frustrating because i read the box and thought that too, maybe i'm in the 40% but i have a bad feeling :( not very positive of me is it lol? xx
Oh hun, sorry about the FR :flower:

Every BFP story I read I find there's hope for us cos they are all different & aren't what the text books say etc, so just cos the FR are really good doesn't necessarily mean it will work straight away for you hun

Hope I'm making sense

of course yuor making sense :)

i dont know kezza, don't know if this makes sense but i feel less and less like i'm going to see that second line as each day goes past - u know when you think, it just doesn't happen to me!!? plus that BFN kinda confirmed it and i feel like it was a sign to get my head back to reality! xx
I think that expecting a BFN makes it easier on us. I am waiting until Sunday to test, DH is convinced that I am, I am still saying I am not. Then if AF arrives I'll not be as gutted. Hope you get your BFP soon. x
i usually do that, its not like me at all to think i'm preggers and this is my 8th cycle. once before, i think in cycle two i was convinced i had lots of symptoms and was pg but then af arrived, since then i have never let myself get my hopes up..until now! should have learned my lesson last time! xx
Hey positivity! it depends on the individual when the egg implants and a couple of days after that yuo start producing the hormone!

I think its too early for you.If yuo read the box it says that they have low accuracy that early.

Hope you get a BFP this month
thanks nurse, everyone on here is so lovely and supportive.

i'm very proud of myself, i just went to boots for some shampoo, walked over to the pg tests and the clear blues are on offer - i would sooo normally buy one but i've decided, i am going to new york on thursday, due af saturday, so i'm not doing anything before i go to NY and won't be able to when i'm out there as i'm going with friends so that's it, i'm leaving it to the gods, hopefully when i return next tuesday i will be able to tell you all that she hasn't arrived!

that horrible witch better not turn up in new york - she is sooo not invited on this holiday!!! xxxx
Hunny, you are only 9DPO so don't give up! I never used a FR but like every type of test and like Kezza said, they work differently for everyone. I POAS with CBD at 12DPO and on a cheapy at 11DPO and got a v.v faint line. Maybe try again at 12DPO, have you got any cheapies? X
I soooooooo do not trust these early tests, I think it's hard enough to get it to recognize a BFP on your due date, never mind 6 days before!! Xxx
Ignore it Hun, It's way to early!

Fingers crossed the witch stays away!

Where you staying in New York? I went in June and stayed in SoHo, shall I send you the itinerary I wrote for my mate who went recently?

maybe, yes please!!! i wanted to stay in soho but it was too expensive so we are staying in the hilton garden inn which is midtown, i'm so excited, i would LOVE ready made itinery!! thank you! xx
no jen i dont have any cheapies coz i never usually poas believe it or not!! it's only becuase i have had these signs. normally i just wait for af - normally i'm sensible!! xxx

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