Why do people assume I'm infertile??????????!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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You might remember from my post a little while back that a work colleague of mine commented that i "just have to accept that now you've decided you want a baby, it's never gonna be easy for you to get or stay pregnant" when I was in hospital. It's been playing on my mind a lot recently but today just took the biscuit.

She was saying this afternoon that she had stomach ache - I asked her if she'd eaten something bad (she has mild IBS) and she said no it's "lady pains". Then she made a comment about how early labour was similar to strong period pains. I said how sometimes it feels proper like squeezing when I have period pains and she said "oh, it's a good sign that you still get periods after all your trouble" wtf?

I was like, well no not really, I'd have periods anyway cos I still have both ovaries, just missing one tube. And then she was like "aww Lynnie, I'll give u one of mine" (a joke which I can take) then:

"I'll be a surrogate for you"

:wall: :wall: :wall:

then went and asked the whole office if they'd be my surrogate. I just laughed it off but why the hell does she assume that I can't get pregnant??! It makes me so mad, then I get upset :cry:

sorry... guess in some ways I'll never get used to the loss of part of my fertility. It just really gets my bloody goat when people don't know their facts and start shooting their mouths off.

umm, i only have one tube and everyone i know has always assumed i was infertile until last year when i got pregnent they were all shocked but then after the MC they said stuff like ah yes that will be the complications of only having one tube, i lost the tube 20 years ago!! (wow now i say it like that it is a long time ago!) its usually the older generation because as we all know they always know best and so come up with these kind of statements!

anyway bit of an unsensitive cow your co worker what gives her the right to make a joke of you needing surrogacy - surely thats bullying in the work place or discrimination or something?
:x people like that make me so mad - I know it must be hard with her saying loads of crappy things, but dont listen to her - silly moo! :shakehead:
Silly cow ! Don't listen to her. Some people are just so insensitive. We are all here for you :hug:
Jesus Christ!! Sorry for my blaspheming but she is so out of order! I think id be tempted to slap her for being so insensitive. :x Obviously she is not the most intelligent person in the world and has no social skills.

One of my friends sounds like her, looks down her nose at me because we have found it difficult to get pregnant so far, says stupid things like, 'I never thought it would be so easy for me to get pregnant, but we obviously must be blessed as we caught straight away both times' yep, that really makes me feel better! :roll: and other such gems as, 'why dont you consider adoption, perhaps that would be easier for you under your circumstances' under what circumstances exactly?!! Stupid cow. It really annoys me that she thinks that adoption is the same as having your own child. I think adoption is amazing! but I want to carry my own child, and for him to be mine and my OH's child. I cant understand why she cant get that? Its easy for people with children to suggest adoption, but then they already have their own kids so they dont understand.

Sorry for my rant! This same 'friend' has really upset my best friend today, she just split up with her partner, and the 'friend' just said, ' Aww I dont suppose he could handle being with you, you have a daughter with a different man, you have baggage.' :shock: Great support that was!
Loola said:
This same 'friend' has really upset my best friend today, she just split up with her partner, and the 'friend' just said, ' Aww I dont suppose he could handle being with you, you have a daughter with a different man, you have baggage.' :shock: Great support that was!

:shock: What is it with these people! :wall:
choklatemunky said:
Loola said:
This same 'friend' has really upset my best friend today, she just split up with her partner, and the 'friend' just said, ' Aww I dont suppose he could handle being with you, you have a daughter with a different man, you have baggage.' :shock: Great support that was!

:shock: What is it with these people! :wall:

The only reason I still I put up with this friend is because Im her only real friend (I wonder why, lol) and because she has been having some post natal depression. However that doesnt excuse the fact that she seems to try and make herself feel better by putting everyone else around her down, but in a really clever way, so you cant say for sure that she is being spiteful, but she is.
Elvie that's awful :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: what a nasty stupid cow :(
some people are so insenstive,i understand completley why that comment got to you it would me too.
grrrrr,shall we all go and get her!! LOL!! :rotfl:
Ok this is AWEFUL!
But how come u didnt answer her back!!

I would have kicked, her!! not literally kicked her physically.. but I mean would have told her "well, it is not of you business"

In this way she wont make a comment next time.
I dont understand why people bother to talk, its not even their life.. GRRRR!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :x :x :x

Am sorry u hard to her all that :hug:
I'd ask why on earth you would want her to be your surrogate!! You'd surely want to pick someone with some brains :wink:
lol thanks girls...

she's definitely one of those people who thinks she knows everything cos she's the oldest one of all of us in the office. She has two teenagers and she constantly says stuff like "it's a mum thing, you wouldn't understand" grrrrrrrrr :x

I just wish she'd ask me straight out what exactly is going on with me, I'd gladly tell her. But I have a feeling she still wouldn't believe me cos of course "mum's know best". I'm not an idiot cos I don't have a child!!! lol.

crikey oh bleedin riley, what is the world comin to?

I'm even more determined to get preggers now!!! Prove her bloody wrong!

Some people are so insensitive :evil:
It will be fantastic when you do get preggers and can rub it in her face :) just keep thinking about that :hug:
Honey, call her a silly, insensitive, supercilious, patronising cow - no - bitch right to her face, and you won't have any more trouble. Really. And then while she's gasping like a fish in the aftermath of that little mouthful, ask her what she thinks gives her the monopoly on loss, motherhood and/or personal worries about anything. Tell her it's none of her damn business what your health problems are, that you aren't going to broadcast them and she shouldn't either. And then tell her that if she doesn't stop making personal, hurtful, and silly remarks, that you will complain about her to management and have her transferred to an all male department where they REALLY won't understand a "mom thing".

What an absolute travesty of any kind of feminine sensitivity.


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