Why do I f***ing bother!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Aargh just need to vent! Just spent an hour upstairs with Harry feeding him and trying to get him to drop off. So I put him down (awake) about 15 mins ago and put the monitor on

He hasn't gone to sleep but just started to cry. So oh looked at me and u said its your turn since its half time with football

So he's gone up waltzed in ina loud voice saying "oh what's wrongs blah blah blah"

Why do I bother feeding him in the dark not really talking to him for hubby to go in full pelt.

So ficking mad. I just want half hour on my own but I'm so tired I just want to go to bed myself

And I think I'm getting a cold to top it all off

Rant over. Sorry ladies xx
Awww Hun :hug:

Whoever made that saying up 'boys are stupid, throw rocks at them' was very clever.

Did he just not realise?

Have you been Expressing? Can you have him feed him in the night for a break?
And he's just had the fucking light on now to top it off!!!! (watching him on the monitor!!)

I have started expressing a bit Tor but not enough for a feed yet. Just haven't had time and what I've been expressing I've used to give home gripe water with

Just feel so tired I could cry
Oh god my OH is a terror for that. He pokes his head around the door to check we're ok with the hall light blaring!!

Aw love, that's not good. You need a break sweetie. If you spend a day expressing an oz from the other boob every feed you'll have enough for a break for a bit.

Or can you have OH take Harry for a walk in the morning? Phil does this for me sometime if I'm really wacked.

Why would he turn the light on???!? Is he drunk? :(
Not drunk just doesn't think

I'm prob being a bit harsh as apart from bedtimes hubby is very good. Just feel like I do night time on my own

Also feel pants as Harry was so good on holiday at going down and then sleeping for 6-7 hours and now we've regressed a bit. If I'm honest he still does well and once down will do 5 hours

Just feeling a bit sorry for myself I think tonight x
It's very draining when you have to put the baby to bed yourself every night.

Drives me mad sometimes that OH is downstairs with his bottle of beer watching the TV while I'm wresting a screaming baby.

I hope he has been suitably told off and learnt his lesson.
aww hun we all get tired, specially in the evenings even on a good few hours sleep we got up stupidly early and have been on the go all day. they all do it lol, my oh comes to bed and even if shes awake and im trying to get her to go back off he will try to help and i end up having her back an hour later when she starts to cry when i probably could have had her down by then lol. its cute they want to help even if theyre bad at it tho id rather be upstairs with the baby that having to listen to this football :(
Tor I can't even be arsed to tell him off.
I'm back upstairs feeding him as I told oh to go and watch the second half

Bev hubby does that to me too- " is he awake?" aargh why don't they just think
:hugs: men can be so daft, i would definatley suggest expressing some more and getting oh to feed him as I do this sometimes when I'm feeling shattered, that break does the world of good

Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight, x
Thanks all. Don't know what I'd do without you all to vent.

Harry's asleep now so hoping he stays asleep. I'm in bed now watching a bit of Lewis but hoping I'll be asleep before long.

Keeping my fingers crossed this cold doesn't make an appearance xxx
My OH put the light on- until i trained him! lol.....We also made sure we had a dimmer switch on the light Ethan's room so if we do need to put it on in the night, we can have it really low so it doesnt wake him up too much!.....Having said that Ethan let out a real scream the other night and OH rushed in after me and wacked the light on full pelt!! I had a go and switched it off- I explained if LO was upset the last thing he would want was a birght light suddenly blaring at him!! Sometimes men just dont seem to get it!! xx
PS Hope u get a good night hun and some well earnt rest xx
Thanks all for letting me vent.
Had a success with Harry that he's finally slept 7 hours and just woke up.

Here's hoping he'll go back down for another few hours!

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