Why did you have a Caesarean delivery?


Jan 21, 2007
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Further to my previous post (http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25608), I would like to gather some statistics on reasons behind caesarean deliveries.

Please could members reply to this post giving reasons why they had a c-section delivery, whether it was planned for medical reasons, opted for with no medical reasoning or emergency c-section. All responses and details would be much appreciated.

The statistics I have found through the Department of Health do not break down whether planned caesareans where for medical reasons or if they were opted for by the pregnant mother. This is why I am trying to obtain an idea of percentages myself. Please be asured that all information given will be used for statistical purposes only and no names will be extracted.
I had to have an emergency c section cos baby was stuck!!
my hips werent wide enough for him - they told me at my last scan that he would be 6lb6oz but he came in at 8lb14oz!!!
I had been pushin for 17hours before they took me to theatre as Jamie was gettin distressed and his heartbeat was dropping
I had to have an emergency section because they discovered he was "face down" (or known as "face presentation) with his head arched back, so his airway was being cut off, appartently this is quite rare to happen. So went through 17 hours of labour for nothing!lol he stopped breathing and thats when i whisked down for the section.
Due to his position he came out all bruised and swollen, they were worried his airways would swell so he went off to SCBU and i didnt see him until later that evening. Worst experience ever !
I had to have an emergency section because I had a prolonged 2nd stage and failed forceps. Lennon was back to back (which didn't help) and 2 bones in his head weren't sliding over properly so his head wasn't coming out :( oh and also he poo pooed inside me (it's all in my birth story if you'd like to have a look :wink:)
Well mine was classed as a semi elective c section as I was due to have my elective c section on 28th December but throughout November I kept going into labour and they kept stopping it with drugs. Finally I went in on 11th with contractions again but was still not dilating so they said they would deliver as I had put up with pain so long. They did a c section the next day as they said they wouldnt wait until 28th December.

Hannah X
I had a c section due to the fact that I was having twins and my consultant picked up symptoms of pre eclampsia at my 35 week consultant appt.

I was booked in for C section the following week.
mummykay said:
I had to have an emergency c section cos baby was stuck!!
my hips werent wide enough for him - they told me at my last scan that he would be 6lb6oz but he came in at 8lb14oz!!!
I had been pushin for 17hours before they took me to theatre as Jamie was gettin distressed and his heartbeat was dropping

Same here!
Ours was planned due to big baby and then pre-eclampsia.
A very positive experience though so no complaints!
My 1st was supposed to be elective at 38 wks because of placenta praevia, but ended up being emergency at 36 wks because I haemorrahagredhgtdyu (sp?)

2nd was emergency following failed trial of labour, induction and ruptured uterus

3rd was supposed to be elective due to previous history, low lying placenta and SPD but ended up being emergency when waters broke at 36 wks.

3 emergencies but 2 should have been elective for medical reasons - awkward kids
Failed induction. Didn't get past 4cm so after so many hours they decided to get the baby out. I was way to tired to push anyway so don't think I would have got him out :lol:
I had a section due to a failed induction and a possible large baby.
This time I am having an elective section.
Strangeness said:
Failed induction. Didn't get past 4cm so after so many hours they decided to get the baby out. I was way to tired to push anyway so don't think I would have got him out :lol:

I had a failed induction but did push but in the end, not even forceps would get him out :rotfl:
i had emergency section as the blood flow to emma was reduced and was reversing so it was quite critical 4 her
Failed induction for me, and baby was back to back, her head was trying to come out sideways from cervix so she had a big swollen egg on side of her head at birth..they used forceps to get her out. They said aftrwards she would never of been born normally and I didnt progress past around 3cm so was never in established labour, no in any real pain (thank God)

I found it to be a lovely experience, even though I had been terified beforehand
I had an emergency c-section with my first child. It wasn't planned. I had to have it as his heart beat kept dropping when having contractions. I had a normal delivery with Jordan.
1st section emergency baby got stuck, due to my pelvis being too small and sophie being a 9lb 11oz

2nd was planned advice from doctor they wernet too happy letting me try for natural birth, also baby was breech at 37 weeks
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was on the rip for 11 hours n i was only 2cms dilated so they decided it was to risky to keep going on as normal as charlies heartbeat was dipping, so wanted him out quickly!
I had a natural birth with Kayleigh, but then am elective section at 39 weeks with Charlie.

I had acute SPD and couldn't possibly have opened my legs enough to give birth!!!! :shock: Even though the spinal block wore off while they wer stitching me up :shock: , I would opt for a section over vaginal birth any day!! :lol:
madi born at 34+5 emergency c-section due to pre clamsea we both got worse and madi was breech

if madison was born naturally she would of been killed by the cord

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