why cant tomorrow be NOW!!!!!


Active Member
Apr 13, 2010
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ok so i think i am pregs but not 100% sure. have signs, but dont want get excited yet as i know my luck, it will be such a come down if not. i have done 2 tests and they both came back with faint lines. now i got my hubby to check them as i thought maybe i'm just wishing to much and he wont beat around the bush. he said yep def there. went to docs and there test said no, but she did say that my urine was like water and when did i do the other 2. told her in the morn. so she has done blds now i have to wait until tomorrow for the results. but i want to know now.
is anyone else like this?
hi , it sounds promising to me and i have read that the tests in docs are not the most sensitive ones so you would have to be a few weeks before they would show positive, can u post the pics??? and congratulations xxx:dance:
I had a negative test from the doctor at first but went back the next day and it was positive! Have you tried the CB digital? They're pretty accurate!
oooh best of luck and i feel for you i hate waiting for anything!
it is tommroow now so let us know and good luck!
good luck! i had 3 negative tests the week before i got a positive one and i was around 5 weeks when i found out. x
Keeping my fingers crossed your next post brings good news.
hey guys, no news as yet. i am waiting for the nurse to call me with the results. but that could be this afternoon. omg i feel sick with the waiting, i just want to know. thanks for all your support it means alot. cant talk to my family about it as some think we are silly. the only reason for this is that my son is 13 this year and my step daughter is 11 this year. but they did say a while back that they would support us if we did. my children want nothing more than for us to give them a brother or sister and i would love so very much to do that.
a very big thanks again xxx
ohh good luck claire! it must be so nerve wrecking waiting on that call! did you try a digi? it would probably be positive if you have had faint lines.
so the doc has just called..................... and i am 2-3 wks gone as far as my bloods results say:dance:
wow!!!! congratulations!!!! was wondering how you got on. You must be so relieved :) woohoo
Many many congrats to you! So very happy for you. Can't wait to see you in tri 1.

Ah that's fantastic. Congratulations.
thank you so much guys, still cant believe it. i wanna cry.

I am wishing all you guys still tryin all the luck in the world and hope you get yours soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congratulations hun. thats fantastic news. xxxx

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