Why cant something in this pregnancy be normal :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2006
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had 4 hrs sleep since sat everythin i am eating and drinkin im bringing straight back up again just seen the midwife and the babies heart beat is far to fast not feeling a lot of movement got to monitor the movement for the next 12hrs if i dont have 10 seperate movements im gonna have to be admitted to hospital coz the baby could be distressed
if i keep bringing everything back up again i have to go to hospital coz im on the very edge of being dehydrated

why cant it just be normal for just one day i really have had enough :cry:
Ahh hun, i know its hard!
At least they are looking after you..and if you need to go in they will be able to do what is needed to keep you both well, and that is whats important right now.
There isnt long to go now untill you are due hun, and it will all be worth it.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Try and keep cool and chat to me online some more
oh poor you sweety, you are having a horrible pregnancy at the min.

finger crossed for you and baby!! :pray:

Aww Bubble, I feel really sorry for you hun. Like you said, not a lot has seemd to have gone right for you has it?

Like Eblinx says though, at least they are looking after you both. Let us know how you are getting on.
My heart really goes out to you hun. Hope everything settles down soon and you can relax. Not too long to go now thats the main thing and sounds like they are taking good care of you.
thanks girls :hug:

looks like its going to be a trip to the hospital at this rate though :( Only had 2 movements since 10am this morning :? One at 11.54 and the other at 13.03. :?

The midwife did say that they will do a ctg scan when i go down there and then base it on that as to whether they keep me in or not, im really praying that they dont keep me in :pray: i hate hospitals at the best of times and knowing i have so much left to do before she gets here is just going to make it even worse :(
Oh hun, i know how bad you must feel about all this.
You still have just over 4 hours to go..i hope things start to pick up in that time :pray:
Have you managed to drink some water today? Did the small sips work?
At least if you have to go down they will be able to make sure everything is ok and keep an eye on you.

I hope everything is ok..be sure to let us know what happens as i have to go now untill tomorrow morning.
I really hope everything is ok for you..you have had a rough time and deserve a break from it!

:hug: :hug:
Oh Bubble, what a nightmare. They will really look after you on MB1, they are lovely arent they?

Keep us posted

Yeah they are great on MB1 luckily :clap:

she has started moving about in the past hour or so thank god just hope she stays that way :pray:

managed to keep some water down and even managed a little bit of lunch which has stayed down too. Have got really severe diarohea though :(

would just have been nice to be able to enjoy the last couple of weeks without having to worry, thats all i have seemed to do throughout the whole of this pregnancy :(

Someone PLEASE remind me not to do this again :lol:
hey hun.
How did it go last night?
Did you have to go in or did she move about enough in the end?
Glad you managed to keep a little something down!
Let us know how everything went.
no she started moving about quite a bit in the end thank god! the midwife did say to monitor it daily from now on, not had no movement since i got up at 8 though :? just thinking maybe she likes sleeping during the mornings :lol: hopefully its going to pick up this afternoon :pray:
Glad your ok.
I remember she didnt move much yesterday morning either, so maybe she is sleeping! :D
oh gosh hun you really havent had it easy lately... really hope she is moving more now and everything is getting better :)

keep us posted on how things are going :) thinking of you... xxxx
Ah, sorry to hear you've been poorly. Sometimes my little one's movements slow down when I'm feeling grim. Maybe she thinks she's giving you a break! get well soon xx
just to let you all know im waiting for a taxi to take me down to the antenatal ward for a ctg scan had no movement all day :(

wish me luck, hopefully il be back here soon :(
Thinking of you hun. Please let us know how things are as soon as you can.
I've just text you! I don't know if you will have your moby with you but please let me know your ok hun x x x
Just got home ended up in the central delivery suite :shock:
they took my blood pressure, checked my wee and all was fine, then they did a ctg scan and they could hear her moving about but the machine wasnt picking it up ended up being on there for nearly 3hours my back was killing me by the end of it!
The midwife then decided she wanted the doctor to see me he wasnt happy with the results of the ctg so decided he wanted to scan me!
The scan was absolutly amazing!!! :shock: It was so clear! He checked everything there possibly was to check and even had trouble doing the scan because she was moving about so much but i still couldnt feel it :? The midwife then put her hands on my belly and she couldnt feel it neither :? I have completly baffled them as to why, but in the doctors words she looks 100% healthy and 100% happy where she is :dance: :dance: :dance:
I got to count her 10 fingers and her 10 toes and saw every little detail of her face, saw her spine and her heartbeat, and at one point it even looked like she was waving :lol: :lol: And it is most definatly 100% a girl :dance: Dont need to worry about mistakes now :lol:
Only thing i am annoyed at though was taht she wouldnt keep still long enough for them to print any pictures so i didnt get any :(
But everything is ok and thats the main thing :dance:
Been told if it happens again to go straight back down there though im not sure how im supposed to tell when i still cant feel her moving :think:

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