can't take any more! wish things were simple...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi girls

So I went to the hospital last week for an urgent scan (they call it urgent but it took them 3 weeks to send me for it) because I had spotting for 4 weeks - started a few weeks after miscarriage but it stopped last weds. They said all they could see in the scan was a thickening of the lining on one side which could mean:
- irritation from miscarriage
- a pollyp which has now gone
- really early pregnancy
I hadn't even thought about being pg again because of the spotting, I assumed there was something left from the miscarriage. Since beginning of last week I have felt dizzy, my boobs are really sore and I feel sick sometimes in the day - very much like when I was pregnant before. However... I took a test yesterday afternoon and it was BFN! I have irregular cycles anyway but we haven't bd since the first couple of weeks in May..... so even if sperm lived for a week or so I worked out (could be wrong) I'd be about 17 ish DPO.
Might wait a few days then try another test with FMU, or might get af in a few days I guess. Its been nearly 8 weeks since mc so I'd like things to either get back to normal or I'd like to be pg again!!! Any advice?

ps. I took really strong antibiotics incase of infection around the time I may have ovulated..... is this bad?!

sorry for extra long message! xxxxxxxxx
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. Don't really have any advice just wanted to send you these :hug:

What are the next steps then, are they waiting now to see if you are pregnant again, or did they explain what would happen to the lining now, with the polyp thing, would that be what was coming away with the spotting?

I hope you get a BFP or at least proper period very soon - so you can get back in order and know where you stand. I didn't get a bfp after my mc till 20 dpo so may have ouvlated very late as mc seems to mess up your cycle a little.


They were really unhelpful with advice - because they didn't find anything bad they didn't really offer any! I think if it was a pollyp its gone now as bleeding has stopped. My GP rang me on Friday to say that they had found some kind of bacteria but that it wasn't dangerous. I told him about BFN but having preg symptoms and he said to wait a while then take another test. Am going to do another test tomorrow then go to docs if it is bfn as I'm not feeling too cracking - feel sick all the time and terrible boob ache, plus no energy! Maybe they will do a blood test or something?
Today is 57 days since mc, no period no bfp no nothing!! Its driving me crazy....... If I ovulated when I think I did then it was about day 30 something after mc, but I am only guessing. ARGH!!!! how are you doing? xxxx
Sorry to hear of your loss, hope you get some answers soon :hug:

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