Why are people so nasty

I've been in tears several times to hubby too and he just reminds me that he loves me and that I have something very special in my tummy.

Unfortunately this support is the one thing I seem to be missing in this case. My 'dearest husband' won't look at me when I'm undressing, barely touches the bump, refuses to even contemplate dtd and makes the occasional fat joke. I've told him already how my self-esteem is at rock bottom, but he continues to make 'funny' comments to friends and family about how he'd rather eat a hot curry than have sex with me (for getting the baby out), and how beside me no one notices how much bigger he's gotten!
He's not normally this insensitive but he can't get it through his thick skull that it's really really damaging my confidence. I've never had body hang ups before, but I feel so low about it just now and it's only likely to get worse. Nothing I say seems to get it through to him, I think he assumes I'm being touchy because I'm 'hormonal' :(

So unfortunately, in my case, I've been in tears several times because of hubby xx

I'd be tempted to remind him of all of this when you're back to your slim self again. no dtd for him!!

Sorry that you're not getting the support from him as Tanya says he's the one person that you should. Don't take it to heart, you are beautiful xx
I've been in tears several times to hubby too and he just reminds me that he loves me and that I have something very special in my tummy.

Unfortunately this support is the one thing I seem to be missing in this case. My 'dearest husband' won't look at me when I'm undressing, barely touches the bump, refuses to even contemplate dtd and makes the occasional fat joke. I've told him already how my self-esteem is at rock bottom, but he continues to make 'funny' comments to friends and family about how he'd rather eat a hot curry than have sex with me (for getting the baby out), and how beside me no one notices how much bigger he's gotten!
He's not normally this insensitive but he can't get it through his thick skull that it's really really damaging my confidence. I've never had body hang ups before, but I feel so low about it just now and it's only likely to get worse. Nothing I say seems to get it through to him, I think he assumes I'm being touchy because I'm 'hormonal' :(

So unfortunately, in my case, I've been in tears several times because of hubby xx

I’m sorry to hear that you are not getting the support needed, our man folk can be so oblivious sometimes. He needs to remember that you are carrying this baby for the both of you, the trouble is it’s only you that has to deal with it on a daily basis physically and mentally. I can imagine you have tried to talk to him about it, so other than that I don’t know what to suggest. Just want to offer you a big hug and remind you that you are doing something magical, gaining weight or losing weight is irrelevant when being part of a little miracle…. xx
:faint:People can be so thoughtless and mean. I think some of them use pregnancy as an excuse to say nasty things because they are jealous of you in some way. They probably envy your figure and just want to say something horrible. Ignore them. I am lucky I've not had any nasty comments so far - people just keep saying how small I am looking for 37 weeks :eh: even though I feel like a heffalump.

Chin up, hun. They are not worth your notice xxx
Oh hon, people are such idiots. I work in a mostly male environment and I got sick of going into work every day and hearing "Oh look, who ate all the pies" or "Look at the size of you". I just smiled along with them in the end, but said (with as straight a face as I could) "You look like you've gained a few pounds as well. Still, summer's coming, you'll soon be able to get out and walk it off won't you". It worked! Or just remind them that yes I may be rather round now but i'll be losing most of that in one go, unlike them. I was met with a lot of shocked faces but by that point I just didn't care!!

With strangers i've got to the point where I either just look at them or ignore them. I know it's rude but i've had enough!
When you are feeling down, you just have to remember the reason why you are bigger than you usually are and the excitement you have to come when the baby arrives. Who cares what some ignorant people say, I do think with some people it's a jealousy thing. This is only temporary and you will soon be back to the size you was. I'm proud of my bump because I know I'm growing my gorgeous baby girl and can't wait to meet her. x

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