Why are cats so weird?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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My cat, Elvis lol ( i didn't choose name), He's never really been a very frendly cat, he wont sleep in beds, (wheither there 1 cushion or triple coushon) He'll sleep on paper and boxes. Normal cats when your feeding them they go through your legs an stroke their head on you but my cat goes all round kitchen strokin its head on things but it head butts everythin, then he carrys on an does it again!?! Also if he wants to come in he butts the back door :s you'd think he would sratch it or meow ol.
When he does meow it sounds well manly an scary lol demonic.
An last thing is twice iv caught him on the toilet! like all 4 legs around the toilet seat, I duno what he was doing there? Anyone else have weird cats?
That all sounds competely normal to me.
Sounds normal to me... :think: One of our cat's thinks it's daddy's baby... :rotfl: :rotfl:


and the other... well this picture speaks for itself... he thinks he's human.


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
LMAO, the second picture made me laugh so much
looks quite relaxed.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Mine has perculiar food tastes - a tuna yoghurt would be his idea of heaven. He adores yoghurt - esp those big Muller ones (that he gets stuck on his head!). That's not so odd but he adores melon skin and apple cores. Also loves rice cakes like Snack a Jacks! Am frightened that the salt and vinegar ones will give him belly ache!!! Could take or leave chicken or other meat though. I had another cat who loved to chew on the cob of a corn on the cob.
Try him/her on red peppers, one of my cats loves them.
My cats are mother and daughter and the strangest pair i have ever owned!
lol 1 of our cats is like that! rubs up on furniture and headbutts stuff. she also chases/runs away from invisible things and makes weird strangled noises and howls like shes possessed! thought it was just her being a bit special!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Squigs 2nd cat pic has just had me in tears of laughter!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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