:( why am I so scared?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
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So I have my booking in scan and appointment on wednesday but it won't be my first scan as I had 1 at 6 1/2 weeks due to spotting. I seen baby and heartbeat but cos of my previous mmc I'm just soo worried something has gone wrong. My sickness has eased off and my sore boobs come and go. And I stupidly have been trying to find the babys heartbeat on an angelsounds doppler (which says to use after 16 weeks) but I thought as I'm not particularly large I could find it, but no, nothing! And to top it off, at the toilet last night there was a few spots of blood but to be honest I think they were from my pee hole (tmi sorry but I investigated in the mirror lol). Sorry for rant but I'm a huge hormonal mess who's oh has gotten such abuse as a result bless him. The thought of wednesday is making me feel sick with worry :'( thanks if you read - just needed it off my chest! Xxxx

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Totally understand huni, but you must try and think positive, you haven't had Amy cramps or further bleeding so there is no reason why you shouldnt see a perfect little bean when you go for your scan. My symptoms have too eased off, I think we are just the Lucky ones! You'll prob be exactly the same when you are due for your 20week scan, in all honesty I dnt think we will relax untill baby is in our arms ;-)
SURE you will b find dont worry xx
Oh babe. Don't worry. As long as there's no major bleeding and cramping you're very likely fine. Put the doppler away and treat it as a toy - NOT a piece of medical equipment. Big hugs xxx
This is why i wont let myself buy a doppler, i would turn into an instant doctor anf find something wrong! I was just as scared as you and to be honest i still am... it's natural to be worried i think x
Tri1 is a long and worrying trimester, such a relief when you get through this x
Thanks everyone. Doppler packed away! I'm such a paranoid wreck. Luckily after Wednesdays scan I've another in a few weeks, just the way my hospital does it! So hopefully by then I'll have calmed down a bit n itl be closer to when my doppler will actually work xxxx

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Hey kra0 Ive just read your post & feel the same, I had a scan at 6+3w then 8w but still so nervous, I have one booked for ten weeks but keep telling myself to chill out and not touch the Doppler...it's so hard! I get moments of panic and I know I shouldn't so trying really hard :)
Oh hun its only natural to be worried! I think we have all felt the same at some point, scans are lovely but also very scary. I had one last week which reassured me for about 1 day and then it was back to worrying about the next one lol. Just remember the fact you've already seen bubs and heartbeat means your chances of everything being absolutely fine are really high :)

Tri 1 isn't much fun, but we will all soon be in tri 2 and I think things will be a lot calmer and more worry-free then:)

Leave the doppler alone until 16w you naughty girl! Lol x
Dopplers should be banned til tri 2 lol! Even if I could find heartbeat I'd then find something else to panic about lol. Roll on tri 2, only a few weeks away :) xxxx

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