Who's testing this week or this weekend????


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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It seems from reading all the posts that there's loads of us testing either later this week or this weekend??

My AF is due on Saturday but I'm determined I'm going to wait until Sunday so if I am PG I get a BFP on my birthday..... How good would that be :pray: :pray:

When's everyone else testing over the next week or so???

p.s. Good luck to everyone who is testing......lets hope we get at least a few xmas BFP's. :pray:

Hi Chrissy... well im 3 days late and no sign of AF. I tested at 3am this morning and BFN. FFS either AF come or BFP just so i know. Im off to test again. I will be out of sticks soon so there will be no more of that for a while! :rotfl:
:wave: Hi Chrissy, I ws due af today but so far she has not turned up, i've been having af type cramps since last monday!! How annoying, I think she's just playing tricks on me!! but anyway I tested this morning but BFN so will be testing later on this week if she still doesn't show!!
i was due on yesterday, was getting weird af cramps for a while but they weren't as strong by far as they normally are but now they've completely disappeared.

i tested yesterday and today and both times BFN - who knows whats goin on?!

just praying af stays away and im just testing too eary. good luck to everyone testing

Hi ya everyone

AF due today but am gonna wait till tomorrow then test.

So goodluck to everyone who is testing

AF due tomorrow ( ticker is wrong!!) Will test again at weekend if no AF :pray: :pray: :pray: Good luck to all testers :cheer:
I could test at the weekend as i'll be 11dpo, but i'm not going to as it will just fook-up my weekend if its a BFN. BFN's send me into a mood :evil:

Good luck to those testing


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