Who's OVing this week?

I wanted to try using OPKs this month but i find that it all stresses me out too much! same with temping. I really wanted to figure exactly when im ovulating, but im so unorganized! So Ive just gone for the old fashioned BDing every other day.... and I still dont even know if ive ovulated yet.

Im really trying to not think about it all so much this month. last time, when i forgot about everything and didnt plan everything was the month i got my BFP.

Good luck everyone x
unfortunately don't think we could manage to try the everyother day method due to my husbands work shifts. Thats why I temp and OPk so I know when its really worth the extra effort tp stay up till he comes home ha ha
same here , hubby on shifts , infact his on lates all but xmas day and boxing day so ovualting then would be good lol
i can imagine that must be really hard work! my Oh travels a lot, so there are some months when I know its not even worth trying. Its so frustrating! It all feels like such a waste of time! :)
i suspect im due to o.v around xmas day 8)

so is it best to start bumping uglies a few days before? :wave:
Hi Maybe Mummy,
yes, you are most fertile for the 4 days before OV and the day of ov and possibly the day after.
bumping uglies - LMAO! :rotfl:

weve really gone to town this month trying for an xmas conception, we just feel it would be really special :D
glitzyglamgirl said:
bumping uglies - LMAO! :rotfl:

weve really gone to town this month trying for an xmas conception, we just feel it would be really special :D

hope you get the best xmas pressie :hug:

xmas eve and day will be fun or us sloping of every 2 mins :dance: :lol:
MaybeMummy said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
bumping uglies - LMAO! :rotfl:

weve really gone to town this month trying for an xmas conception, we just feel it would be really special :D

hope you get the best xmas pressie :hug:

xmas eve and day will be fun or us sloping of every 2 mins :dance: :lol:

Lol, know what you mean! apparantly ive got a "special" present that I have to open xmas eve not in front of my daughter! :think: :wink:

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