Who's still ttc?


I help students with dyslexia in college but i trained to be an english and drama teacher first, I am still here and trying...i have the 2 week wait
again if anyone wants to be my buddy send me a mail in my profile and il give you my hotmail msm address.
looking forward to getting to know some of you betterxxx
Hey there I am new to all this!!
Ive been ttc for 4 mths. I get so frustrated :wall: , I have irregular but long cycles - 44 days, 37 days and 41 days. I also do shift work which complicates matters even more. Is anyone in the same boat and how do they work round this? Emz x
a few of the women on here have long cycles ep - suggest you start a new topic and ask for their advice - they may mis it in here - and good luck :D
ep2895 said:
Hey there I am new to all this!!
Ive been ttc for 4 mths. I get so frustrated :wall: , I have irregular but long cycles - 44 days, 37 days and 41 days. I also do shift work which complicates matters even more. Is anyone in the same boat and how do they work round this? Emz x

Hi :wave:

I have 41 day cycles too. :hug:
Thanks for your comments I shall open a new topic. Good luck to you all hope it BFP for us all soon.
done a test 2 day wiv the cheepy tests had really faint line do u think it a bfp??
it mite not come up in a pic was really faint could bearly see it mite not av been a line mite b me wishing :?
well af is due this week but a week and a half ago i had a bleed now it wernt a proper period it was very lite and lsted 3 days didnt bleed at all in the nites just really light in the days so i dunno if tha was af or implantation wot u fink??

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