Who's still ttc?

I'm here, can't really say 'still' though, as this is our first month TTC after losing Oliver.

I'm not going to do any charting this month, have read up on it, but I'm just going to watch my CM for myself (no recording) and see what I can see, and just BD lots!! I have signed up for a chart with FertilityFriend though, just in case for next month, and if AF arrives, I'll be investing in a swanky thermometer!!!
Hey guys

im still here too

Anna - I am teacher too so i can't post very much but check forum every day...

wishing you guys all well xx
Is the temping that accurate though, doesnt it just add stress?
I thought you could tell from CM and POAS
Cm and POAS only tell you that you've geared up to ovulate - temping will tell you if you have afterwards
Ginnymarie said:
Hey guys

im still here too

Anna - I am teacher too so i can't post very much but check forum every day...

wishing you guys all well xx

Look at all us teachers! I teach as well, but in the US. Right now I'm on summer break and teach summer school 4 hours a day M-Th.

I like to temp because it actually puts REAL data down for me. I know I don't imagine what the themometer reads. My CM observations and symptom spotting can be a little too subjective. POAS is good data, but you never know if you're too early....
An me :wave: I am a teacher as well :) What do you all teach?

I teach my language, which is French. And one more week before the holidays... Can't wait for it! Going to South of France for a month, right next to the beach :dance:

I am not temping either...might do later if Mrs NATURE doesn't collaborate! :D

Mel x
Hello! I am still here too, 16 months TTC now. I am a teacher too...looks like we have a little Education Club going on here! :) I am a Special Needs Teacher and teach English, Maths, Science and ICT to 11-13 year olds with moderate learning difficulties.
i am :( had all the symtoms this month but done a test 2day was neg:( better luck next month i ope
caz...it might still be too soon to test. I'd test again in a couple days if af still hasn't arrived
Ive just completed my 2nd year of training to be a TA, going on to start a foundation degree in spetember, when its all done i want to work with 5-7 year olds!!!
I' not a teacher :( but still ttc, and my sister's a teacher! Does that count? :D
im qualified to be a teachers assistant, taught six year old when i was in college loved every minute of it. but my field is a nanny, i just couldnt leave my family to pursue my dreams :(
Hey breezee... my hubby is off to Oregon tomorrow for work! Just realized you from there! He is going to somewhere near Portland! Small world eh?

Hope your bfp comes very soon!!! :pray:
had a bleed about a week ago now it wernt like a period tho is was very lite but it did last nearly 4 days but the strang thin i didnt blled at all in the nites what shoukd i do it really gettin to me not the fact im may not b pregnant the fact ive had all the symtoms even sore boobs but its the bleed i had was it af or implantation?? please help
:wave: :wave: Hi
I'm new to this thread as we've only just decided to try for #2. Just thought I'd join this tread if no one minds.

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